
Stewards of Faith in Troubling Times

Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, June 19, 2016
Maybe this week we need to remind one another of what it means to be good stewards of faith in times of trouble and tragedy. How can we, as people of faith, change the narrative of woe and shift the focus to love of God and love of neighbor? (Photo:

Many are the Demons

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, Lectionary Reflection, June 23, 2013
What similarities do we share with the demoniac of this week’s gospel lesson? How are we like the citizens of that town? Do we ever resist healing? Read on for more thoughts about this week’s lessons. (Photo: Nina Matthews Photography, Creative Commons)

“What are you doing here, (Insert your name)?”

Lectionary Reflection for June 20, 2010
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Things weren’t going so hot for Elijah, prophet of God. In fact, he was so undone that he asked God to let him die. Instead, God asks a question. How would you answer if God asked you the same question?