
Public Stewards. Public Life.
Stewardship is part of every aspect of our lives, and responding faithfully to often polarizing issue in politics and culture can be a challenge. Public Faith in Action, a timely new release by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz, is designed to help people of faith both talk about tough issues and take action. (Photo: Michael […]

No Place Like Home
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for January 4, 2014 (Year 1), Second Sunday of Christmas
Home. There’s no place like home, or so the saying goes. This week’s story stretches from the holy family’s flight from home into Egypt to escape King Herod’s vitriol and murderous intent and back again. In a sense we are all refugees, but thankfully God erases the borders we construct, naming and claiming us in baptism. (Photo: Ted, Creative Commons)

O Lord, How Long…
Narrative Lectionary Reflection, Year 1, Week 11, November 30, 2014
Dear preacher, this Sunday calls for a prophetic word. As you hold your iPad or newspaper in one hand and your Bible in the other, there is clear between word and world. Can we really afford not to speak out? Can we in good conscience simply gloss over current events, perhaps only lifting up prayer petitions? (Photo: Nana B. Agyei, Creative Commons)

Confession and Forgiveness
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for October 19, 2014 (Year One)
This week’s lesson is a tough one. Here are some ideas for how to broaden the context from David’s specific sin to the various corporate sins and injustices of our own age and context. (Photo: Shawn Semmler, Creative Commons)

Prosperity and Punishment
Narrative Lectionary for September 21, 2014, Genesis 39:1-23
Stewardship is not about prosperity as we define it today but is more about prospering in place—flourishing in good soil or amongst the cracks and pieces of broken pavement and shattered dreams. With God all things are possible. With God there is always abundance. Stewardship is how we live in and care for this abundance. (Photo: rennett stowe, Creative Commons)

The Bible Calls For Moral Action on Climate Change
When it comes to climate change, here is the moral narrative. What will your grandchildren’s grandchildren ask about why we, and why you, did not do what was necessary for them? Why were we so selfish and short-sighted? And here is the biblical and spiritual narrative: does care for God’s creation really allow us to exploit the earth and its resources for short term economic self-interest? Is that good stewardship and the humble worship of God? (Photo by Giuliano Maiolini, used by Creative commons license)

Third Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection Year A
March 23, 2014
In the Samaritan woman at the well we dare not see someone “other†or “less than†ourselves. Rather, mirrored in her eyes is the reflection of our own brokenness and shame. We all thirst for the living water that only God can provide. (Photo: kateausburn, Creative Commons)

Pester, Pester, Pester
Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost YR C Lectionary Reflection
October 20, 2013
According to Jesus it’s perfectly o.k. to pester the powers that oppose the reign of God and justice for all of creation. We can do this knowing that it is God’s nature to give, love, and care for us. We are not alone…so go ahead and pester, pester, pester for the sake of the gospel. (Photo: Caelie Frampton, Creative Commons)

True Wealth
Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year C
September 29, 2013
There’s really no way to skirt the issue of wealth, poverty, and economic justice woven throughout this week’s lessons. Here are some thoughts and ideas to help you explore the issues faithfully in preaching, worship, teaching, and with children and youth. (Photo: Cea, Creative Commons. Thanks!)

Second-hand Wise
Click here to read Leah Wise’s reflection on how shopping in thrift stores–made popular by Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis–can actually be a way to practice better stewardship and do justice. While you’re there, take a look at the other articles on the RELEVANT website. (Photo: adiything, Creative Commons license. Thanks!)