
Make Stewardship your Lenten Discipline
This year commit to making Lent a time of personal devotion and renewal. Stretch yourself and find a stewardship connection in every meditation, devotion or activity. Because when it comes to it, everything really is a stewardship issue. Here are some free daily devotionals that can keep you thinking. (Photo © robhainer –

The Most Ignored Commandment
Author Nancy Sleeth, who along with her husband founded the non-profit organization Blessed Earth, invites all of us to reconsider how we are (or are not) keeping Sabbath. For Sleeth’s family, keeping Sabbath has been a true blessing. (Photo: Pawel Pacholec, Creative Commons)

Signs of the Time
Lectionary Reflection for the First Sunday of Lent, Year B
Time is in short supply in our age, yet the call to the spiritual disciplines of Lent asks us to reconsider time. The time is fulfilled, and we are living into that fulfillment. (Photo by opendemocracy used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!0

Cultivate Contentment
Without deliberately cultivating contentment, it’s tough to successfully steward and appreciate God’s abundance all around us. Check out this article from Relevant Magazine that offers five simple practices leading to greater contentment. (Photo: Rachel Sarai, Creative Commons)

What Better Day for Freedom?
14th Sunday after Pentecost, Year C, August 25, 2013
The Sabbath is designed to free us–both for praise and worship and from the workaday world–and Jesus models sabbath-keeping in a way that we can learn from and apply to our 21st century contexts. Read on for ideas for worship, and time with youth and children. Blessings on your preparation. (Photo: Janis K, Creative Commons)

Fear, Faith, & Where We Belong
Second Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection, February 24, 2013
We live in fearful and uncertain times. Yet we need not fear because as Paul reminds us, “Our citizenship is in heaven…” We live by faith. Maybe that’s a message folks need to hear today. (Photo by J. Aaron Farr. Thanks!)

A Call to Identity and Action
Lectionary Reflection for the First Sunday in Lent, February 17, 2013
This Sunday’s lessons offer a wealth of opportunity to explore how Lent can be a springboard to stronger Christian identity and faithful action. (Photo by jamiesrabbits. Thanks!)

Listen…Can You Hear Him?
Christ the King Sunday Lectionary Reflection, November 25, 2012
Sometimes it is difficult to hear Jesus amidst all the noise of daily living. Think about it. Maybe this Sunday is a good time to help folks prepare for Advent with some tools to hear Jesus above the din of consumer culture. (Photo © Warren Goldswain –

Rx for Broken Lives and Faltering Faith
As the most obese or overweight people on the planet, Americans know we need to do something about our poor health. Fortunately, the medical community is responding with remedies, both complex and commonsense. But is our spiritual health much better? Fortunately, the Bible tells us clearly how to get into good spiritual shape!

The Gratitude Attitude
Lectionary Reflection, 16th Sunday after Pentecost, Year B
September 16, 2012
This week’s psalm offers the perfect opportunity to talk about living with an attitude of gratitude–a necessary precursor to effective stewardship. (Photo by barbicane used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)