

Last week’s gospel lesson (Mark 6:14-29) has had me thinking about choices and consequences. John the Baptist made the hard choice to be a truth teller and lost his head because of it. Herod Antipas made a silly promise at a dinner party and ended up having to deliver the head of John the Baptist […]

For Granted– From Whence Cometh Your Food?

JUST LIVING Blog Have you started your preparation and cooking for Thanksgiving yet? For most of us here in North America, the meal will be a dandy one replete with family recipes, everyone’s favorites, and a table or buffet filled with delicacies. Even those who will be sharing community meals or serving in shelters and […]

For Granted–Groceries & Financial Preparedness

A trip to the grocery store reminds our blogger that her daughter’s financial health and preparedness are not to be taken for granted. (Photo by gmnonic used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!

For Granted–Frugal Finds

No more will our blogger take for granted her spouse’s ability to find useful and frugal items that meet a need perfectly. Read on for the story of the $3.00 food processor. (Photo: Rob Blezard)

For Granted… Soap and Water

JUST LIVING Blog–This is the first in a series entitled “For Granted” that will examine the many things we take for granted amidst our abundance in North America. Plentiful access to soap and water is a good way to “come clean” and kick off the conversation. (Photo by the Italian voice used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!

Life Post- Microwave

Just Living Blog
Is a microwave really a necessity or simply a nice thing to have? Is it a want or a need? Our blogger examines the issue after one month post-microwave. Hint: Things are still cooking right along! Photo by JoshuaDavisPhotography used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

“Staying Put” Day

Our blogger explores how a “Buy No Gas” Challenge leads to larger questions of consumption and entitlement. Her conclusion? Old habits die hard, and getting out one’s walking shoes is a good response. (Photo by Jay Cuthrell used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

The Hundred Pound Life

Could you reduce the trappings of your life to 100 pounds and two suitcases? Sounds like a tall order, indeed! Read on for more about the hundred pound life.

  • September 27
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Shopping: Drug of Choice for the Masses?

Does shopping really make everything better? Is our consumer economy sustainable? You be the judge and weigh in with your experiences and opinions.

Lessons from a Happy Closet ala Audrey: Round Two

‘Just Living’ Blog

Our blogger still aspires to simplify her wardrobe ala Audrey Hepburn’s classic style. Progress is happening, but even this aspect of “closet” stewardship is more process than destination.