
Usual Daily Wage
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for March 1, 2015
The parable of the workers in the vineyard is certainly applicable to 21st century disciples, too. Perhaps as individuals we can be sort of stingy with God’s grace—not to mention sharing our own resources. Do we really trust God so little that we fail to believe the divine promise of plenty? (Photo: Chris Potter, Creative Commons)

The Good Life: Psalm 111 and Stewardship
Lectionary Refleciton for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, Year B, February 1, 2015
In this week’s Psalm we are reminded that our worth, our purpose, and our reason for being are all found not in what we have or who we are but rather in whose we are. The good life begins in total commitment to God. It’s all about stewardship! (Photo: Axel Buhrmann, Creative Commons)

Stewards of Advent Time: Prepare
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Advent Year B, December 7, 2014
This Advent as we watch and keep awake we are also expected—all of us—to be active participants in preparing for Christ’s coming among us in the Day of the Lord. Read on for five suggestions and for ideas for worship (continuing the Advent visual), and time with youth and children. (Photo: /\ \/\/ /\, Creative Commons)

Stewardship Basics in a Rural Setting
This article, written by Pastor Todd Nelson, is one of many valuable weekly newsletter offerings from the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. Be sure to visit their website for this and other resources, as well as recordings from past Renewing Stewardship events.

Being Prepared: Not Just for Bridesmaids and Boy Scouts
Lectionary Reflection for the 22nd Sunday after Pentecost, Yr A
Perhaps the point of this pesky parable is more about trying to remain alert and in the moment—even more than making sure we are prepared, right down to the last ounce of extra oil. Plus, there’s a point or two to be made about stewardship. (Photo: James Emery, Creative Commons)

The Days are Surely Coming
Reformation Day Lectionary Reflection, October 26, 2014
If nothing else, this Sunday should be a day to be unbound from fear of the future and to celebrate freedom in Christ and God’s steadfastness across the ages. Remembering can give us fuel and freedom to face the future. (Photo: Col Ford, Creative Commons)

Stewarding Relationship
Caring for one another is at once incredibly simple and achingly tiring, yet stewardship of our relationships is an integral component of any faith community. Sometimes, according to author Courtney E. Martin, we need more doing than thinking, more “bossiness” than niceties. Read her essay posted on the On Being with Krista Tippett website. (Photo: DFID, Creative Commons)

The Problem with Generosity
Lectionary Reflection, 16th Sunday After Pentecost, Year A.
Is a gift really a gift if it comes with strings attached, such as restrictions on how it can be used? Unfortunately, that’s the way many churches receive contributions in our North American context. Where does this come from, and how can we confront it? (Photo by Stewardship–Transforming Generosity, used by Creative Commons license)

Forgiveness and Sending
Lectionary Reflections for Sunday, September 14, 2014 14th Sunday after Pentecost, Year A Forgiveness as a Mark of Christian Community Then Peter came and said to him, ‘Lord, if another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive? As many as seven times?’ Jesus said to him, ‘ Not seven times, […]