
Five Practices to Live More Sustainably

Let’s face it: Our Western habits of consumption are a big cause of the environmental crisis facing our planet. What can we do? Here are five practices that, if everybody did them, would make a big difference. Start today! From Relevant Magazine.

Table Grace for Environmental Stewards

From Cool Harvest, a program of Interfaith Power and Light, comes a handy downloadable PDF booklet entitled “Thanking God with Integrity: Volume II Table Grace in a World Struggling with Climate Change.” No matter your stance on this issue, you’ll find this booklet well worth reading and sharing. (Photo: Shannon Patrick 17, Creative Commons)

Teaching Children to Live Sustainably

Here’s a short, useful blog post from Sustainable Personal Finance that offers four tips for teaching children to live more sustainable lives. These four tips can be applied at home, in school, or through congregational and Christian Education activities. (Photo by icecairo. Thanks!)