SNAP to it Food Stamp Challenge–Day 14
Counting Blessings Edition
“Don’t sleep counting sheep. Count blessings, then sleep.†These are the words printed on the tea bag tag that I had planned to use for tomorrow’s Facebook “Teabag Tuesday†entry, but they also hit the spot for day 14 of the SNAP to it Challenge. Tomorrow will be day 15 or halfway through the month. I thought this was going to be a difficult task—and it may very well yet take on that flavor—but for now what I’m learning is how many blessings I have to count.
I’m pretty tired thanks to a meeting and a job interview this morning, lunch out, an afternoon spent at the Hunter Museum of American Art, followed by a walk through the Bluffview Arts District, and preparing a birthday supper, so I am ready to count blessings and catch a few z’s.
Here goes:
- I am blessed to have a very nice, spacious place to live (with air conditioning!).
- Â I am blessed to have family and friends to love and who love me.
- Â I am blessed to have a good church home and the freedom to worship there.
- I am blessed to a reliable, gas efficient car.
- I am blessed to have plenty of clothes for most any occasion.
- I am blessed to have opportunities to be creative in my vocational pursuits and to earn a living doing things I enjoy.
- I am blessed to have lots of good food—an abundance, more than plenty.
- I am blessed to live in a location where there are many places to shop for food and several farmers’ markets and stands. I do not live in one of the food deserts found across the United States.
- I am blessed to have pets that enrich my life and provide examples of unconditional love.
- I am blessed to have an education and opportunities to continue to enrich my mind.
- I am blessed to have a computer and Internet access that opens a world of possibilities and experiences.
- I am blessed to be able to see, hear, walk, run, smell, and touch—senses that enable me to appreciate this beautiful earth and good creation.
Yes, I am blessed, and I could certainly keep counting; however my eyelids are heavy and sleep is not far away. I hope you will take time to give thanks for the many blessings in your life and to share some of those blessings with others.
Night, ya’ll! Sleep well.
State of the Pantry
Today I had yogurt and tea for breakfast, a wonderful meal of barbeque, collards, sweet potato casserole and a corn muffin at Sticky Fingers, and a supper of roast beef (cooked all day in the slow cooker), stuffed mashed potatoes (with cheese, green onion, butter and sour cream), green beans, artisan bread, and cherry cobbler with ice cream. I bought a bunch of green onions that set me back $1.28, and was gifted the bread, some artisan raisin bread, and lunch. The balance of my SNAP funds is now $28.47.
Website of the Day
As long as we’re talking about counting blessings, be sure to check out this brief article discussing research that says practicing gratitude can increase happiness by 25%. Click here to visit psyblog and read about Dr. Robert A. Emmons’ study.
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