Stewardship in 5 Simple Steps

By Rob Blezard, October 3, 2013

When my congregation sends out its annual “Stewardship Seeds” campaign package, we include a flier that outlines a five-step process for determining a level for giving. We call it “5 Simple Steps.”

We also include in the package a cover letter, Bible verses dealing with giving, a sheet with some food for thought and a “staircase of giving” that lists the number of families or individuals who give in a certain range.

Below are the 5 Simple Steps! I wrote them, and you have my permission to copy or adapt them for your church’s own use.

Most people don’t know where to start when it comes to giving. Here is a simple five-step process to help you along. Please follow the steps even if you are pretty sure you won’t make changes to your giving pattern.  As with many aspects of faith, the process is as important as outcomes.

Step 1: Make a Blessings List
Let’s face it: Most of us take our blessings for granted most of the time. Start by listing all your blessings. Invite family members to help you list all your blessings in the following areas: 1) Health. 2) Family. 3) Friends. 4) Security. 5) Housing. 6) Faith. 7) Possessions. 8) Finances. Add to the list as you think of more blessings.

Step 2: Pray Over Your Blessings
In the morning or at bedtime — whenever you pray — look over your list and thank God for your blessings. For each, say aloud or in your thoughts, “I thank you, God, for _________.” Make copies for other members of your family and ask them to pray, too.

Step 3: Re-read the Materials
This packet contains a lot of information. After you’ve prayed over your blessings for a few days, read through the materials one more time. Give the ideas prayerful consideration.

Step 4: Pray for Guidance
In your prayers, ask that God will lead you deeper into faith, bringing the Holy Spirit into your life in new and refreshing ways. Pray that God will help you decide on an appropriate response for all that God has given you.

Step 5: Make a Plan for  Follow Through
When you have reached a decision on a level of giving by week, month or year, make a plan for follow through. You have made a commitment to yourself, why not let the church know so we may better plan our finances? Consider signing up for Simply Giving, which enables you to make automatic offerings from your bank. If you need offering envelopes, please ask the church office.

And whatever you decide, God Bless You!

(Photo © koya79 –

About the Author

Rob Blezard is the website content editor for the Stewardship of Life Institute and serves as an assistant to the Bishop of the Lower Susquehanna Synod, ELCA, in central Pennsylvania. See more posts by .

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