Our friend, Roger Smith

By SOLI, July 4, 2012

We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Roger Smith, retired stewardship specialist for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and president of the Board of Directors of the Stewardship of Life Institute. Roger died Monday evening, July 2, after a long illness.

The funeral service will be held Saturday, July 7, at 10:30 AM at Trinity Lutheran Church, 2000 Chestnut Street, Camp Hill, Pa. Visitation with the family precedes the service at 9 AM.

Messages of care and support can be sent to:

Roberta Smith
437 Spring House Road
Camp Hill, PA 17011

Can you share a memory or thought about Roger? Leave a comment in the space below.

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  1. Roger was a real hero! I admired his steadfast faith, his passion for stewardship, his love of people and zest for life. He believed in working hard, embracing life and doing the best you can with what God has given you. Until his recent illness, he played racquetball regularly with his friends! I will miss him.

  2. Dave Fisher

    Roger was my trusted mentor and friend for many years in my parish, synod, and ELCA churchwide experience. I learned much from him about many things and especially stewarding God’s gifts. I bounced a lot of ideas off of Roger, knowing that he would always tell me what he thought, and that his “churchmanship” (old word, I know), roots in the great Augustana Synod, and Scandinavian piety would be significant and holy threads in the fabric of our conversations. Roger taught me some valuable lessons about working with our Chicago office as well! I wish I had gotten to see him in these last weeks. I know that many in our synod office will miss his drop-in visits. Rest eternal grant him, O Lord, and let light perpetual shine upon him.

  3. Sharron Blezard

    Roger was a true steward and disciple. He was generous with his time, wisdom, and resources, and he made a difference in the lives of many people. I will remember Roger for his kindness, laughter, encouragement and faithfulness. He will be missed.

  4. Roger was committed and gentle presence who demonstrated his generosity in bringing a new professor of stewardship into area of expertise, sharing both his knowledge and his care for all the People of God. For nearly 20 years we served together on the Stewardship of Life Board, and seemed always to call when I had a question. The loss to his family is shared widely.

  5. Christina Von Bank

    Roger led a grateful life. Through his passion for stewardship and caring for people, he created faith-filled environments which encouraged sharing, learning and kindness. Roger was a good friend and I will miss him!

  6. Tom O'Brien

    What a great gift Roger was to me in working with the Division for Parish Services of the LCA and then the Division for Congrgational Ministries of the ELCA. With a name like O’Brien I had lots to learn about “these Lutherans” and Roger became my mentor and a trusted sounding board for more than thirty seven years. Not many days went by that we did not touch base, especially as we worked with Arthur Larson and his love for stewardship of the Gospel. Roger was truly a Christian friend and brother in Christ. I will miss him, he is in my heart.

  7. Harvey Huntley

    Although I have not known Roger as long as many who serve on the SOLI Board, I have appreciated knowing and working with him in the years we have shared. He was a wonderful spirit and a dedicated stewardship leader. I admire the way he lived his life to the fullest to the very end of his earthly journey. He modeled what he preached very well.

  8. Scott Zimmerer

    So sorry to hear of Rogers’s illness and death. I had worked often with Roger during my Central Penn days in three different congregations. He was always helpful to the situation and quick to share the Gospel. He certainly had a passion for stewardship/discipleship as a way of living daily in the many blessings of God. What a gentle and peaceful presence he always brought to so many churches. “Well done good and faithful servant. Enter now into the joy of your Master.” +Scott Zimmerer. (Paul, Bonnie, Ciel’s pastor 1995-2006)

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