Browsing by Rob Blezard

Bible Stewardship Principles
When it comes to stewardship, why do we do what we do? Where do we get the guidance and authority from God? Well, the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod has got some excellent answers to those questions, all contained in their handy document “Bible Stewardship Principles.” It is available in a variety of forms for […]

Time and Talent Surveys
When was the last time your congregation asked folks to fill out time and talent surveys? Maybe this fall is a great time to freshen up your records. These sample time and talent surveys — in both PDF or Word format — can help you freshen up your forms as well! From the United Methodist […]

Crowdfunding for Congregations and Nonprofits
Because the church has always funded its ministry through small gifts from a large number of people, crowdfunding is not too much of a stretch for congregations. Crowdfunding has gained a respectable status among the many ways to fund new ventures, whether business-related or charitable. Crowdfunding presents a clear opportunity for church-related giving to expand its focus, audience, vision, and reach. (Read more in this free download!) (Photo: James Cridland, Creative Commons)

50 Ways to Encourage Faithful Giving
Wow! Here are some solid ideas for cultivating stewardship at your congregation! Use them as a discussion starter, or to map out a strategy for year-round stewardship: Which could your church implement in the next year? From the United Methodist Foundation for the Memphis and Tennessee Conferencees.

Form a Gift-Acceptance Policy
You never know when your congregation may receive a gift that raises moral, legal or ethical questions, but you can be better prepared if you think through the issues a bit and form a policy. This sample gift-acceptance policy from the United Methodist Church can guide you. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)

Book Review: Making Grateful Kids
In Making Grateful Kids: The Science of Building Character, Jeffrey J. Froh and Giacomo Bono present a vision of nurturing gratitude that extends from families to society to the world. The challenge us to imaging raising a “Generation G” (G is for Grateful!), says this review, from Rosanna Anderson of the United Methodist Church. (Photo: Barney Moss, Creative Commons)

Pastors and Finance Committees Need Each Other
Pastors need another meeting to attend like a street needs another pothole, but they dare not overlook the finance committee. It’s where some of the key ministry takes place, as one pastor describes in this essay, posted on the website of the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. (Photo by ThinkPanama, Creative Commons)

Best Stewardship Practices
Here’s a concise, no-nonsense, easy-to-understand presentation of what works best when it comes to stewardship in the congregation. It’s a great thumbnail guide for your finance or stewardship team. Excellent stuff, from the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Washington.

The Bible, Stewardship and Money
What does the Bible say about possessions and money? Obviously, a lot. This article (and the accompanying podcast) provide some key basic understandings that can ground your congregation in stewardship. Article by stewardship experts Chick Lane and Grace Duddy Pomroy, posted on Luther Seminary’s website. (Photo © Alfredo Müller –