Browsing by Rob Blezard

Characteristics of Healthy Congregations
Sure, it all depends on whom you ask — what are the characteristics of a healthy congregaion, but this resource compiles lists from a variety of sources, including the Barna Group, Willow Creek and others. Which ones apply to your congregation, and which can you establish as goals? From the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia […]

Are You Beating the Competition?
The number of nonprofit organizations in North America has mushroomed, and that means there are a lot more people asking YOUR church members for donations. In this blog, Phyllis Freedman gives sound advice how you can be sure your congregation stays ahead of the game. (Photo: U.S. Army)

Sample a GREAT Narrative Budget
A line-item budget puts people to sleep, but a narrative budget energizes people for mission and encourages them to give. Check out this excellent narrative budget brochure from Hixon (Tennessee) United Methodist Church. What can your church do better? (Photo: Sarah Reid, Creative Commons)

Efficiency Sends Stewardship Message
Whether it’s caulking drafty windows, replacing the old furnace, getting rid of the incandescent lighting, or installing low-flush toilets, your congregation sends an important message when it takes steps to be more environmentally friendly, says this article from Insights Into Religion. What can your church do? (Photo by Sun Dazed, used by Creative Commons license.)

In Giving, Lead by Example
Hey pastor, does the congregation know what you give? It ought to, and you should be leading by example, according to author and stewardship consultant J. Clif Christopher. “When a pastor and staff are not tithing and being generous in every possible way, it is seldom that I will see a congregation that does.” (Photo: […]

Try-a-Tithe Sunday
If you’re introducing the concept of tithing to your congregation, invite them to take the plunge just for a week — or for one week a month. This handy guide will explain not only how to plan a “Try-a-Tithe Sunday,” but the biblical foundation of tithing. From ELCA Stewardship Resources. (Photo © thitimontoyai22 –

Book Review: Bounty: Ten Ways to Increase Giving at your Church
Kristine Miller and Scott McKenzie describe stewardship as “grounded in gratitude, revealed in prayer, lived in faith†(page 3). Generosity flows from the heart because stewardship is really a spiritual matter. Leaders who speak openly about their joy in giving inspire others to greater trust and deeper discipleship, says this review from United Methodist Communications. […]

Encouraging Attitude Change in the Congregation
Why is it that lots of churches and their leaders work hard and pray fervently for a better future, yet never seem to get anywhere? The determining factor in congregational flourishing often comes down to attitudes. Change initiatives can grind to a halt when prevailing attitudes impede movement. But attitudes can change, and leaders who have an understanding of the anatomy of an attitude can help congregants reconsider and revise them. (Photo: Garry Knight, Creative Commons)

Emergency Mode: A New Strategy for the Climate Movement
The climate crisis is an unprecedented emergency. Humanity is careening towards the deaths of billions of people, millions of species, and the collapse of organized civilization. How we react to the climate crisis will shape centuries and millennia to come. Given the stakes, and the extremely short timetable, it is imperative that we strive to maximize the efficacy of our actions. We need to enter “emergency mode.†Faith-based organizations can help. (Photo:Takver, Creative Commons)

6 Ways to Save on AC
It costs a fortune to air condition a church in the summer, but there are things your property team can do to help minimize the expense, says this article from WorshipFacilities Network. Which would work for your congregation? (Photo: Purplejavatroll, Creative Commons)