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The Basics of Launching a Legacy Gift Program
Here’s a basic guide to launching a planned giving program in your congregation. In this handy guide published by the United Church of Canada, you’ll find basic tools, a handy checklist, and more. (Photo: Steven Depolo, Creative Commons)
Chosen–Not Frozen
Sixth Sunday of Easter, Year B, May 10, 2015
What’s keeping us frozen instead of really acting like we’re chosen? The call is to love, to live, and to bear fruit that lasts. We have the commands, we have the marching orders, and we are dearly beloved. We have all we need. (Photo: James Trosh, Creative Commons)
Good Counsel for First Call Pastors
What stewardship advice would you give a first call pastor? Pastor Jerry Hoffman offers six key thoughts for new leaders. Click here to be redirected to the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. (Photo: )
Abiding in Love
Lectionary Reflection for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, Year B
May 3, 2015
It’s all about the love. Not a saccharine-sweet pop song love, but the radical death-defying love of Jesus the savior of this world. It’s about a love so amazing and so limitless that it continues to pour forth in bread and wine, Word and water, and Spirit-wind. (Photo: Lisa L. Wiedmeier, Creative Commons)
Vision: What Kind of Church Do We Want?
Vision is essential to a church. However, unlike the values, mission, and purpose, the vision is more subject to change. It is dynamic, not static. Over time, the vision must be renewed, adapted, and adjusted to the cultural context in which the congregation lives. The change takes place only at the margins of the vision, not at its core. Here are some important truths about vision that every church leader should know. (Photo by Philippematon, used by Creative Commons license)
Rambling in the Ruts of Righteousness
Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year B, April 26, 2015
The 23rd psalm may be to the life of faith what mac and cheese is to comfort food, but it’s certainly no promise of a four-lane highway. The good news is that Jesus, the Good Shepherd, is with us all the way–guiding, goading, loving, and equipping each and every one of us for the journey. (Photo: Joan Campderros i Canas, Creative Commons)
A Fish Tale and a Love Story
Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday of Easter, Year B
April 19, 2015
We may not have been sharing a meal of fish over a charcoal fire on the lakeside beach with the first disciples, but we share Christ’s very self and consume Christ’s amazing love whenever we gather at his table. This week’s lessons tell a love story that never ends, that we are written right into and that is written (quite literally) into our very hearts.(Photo: Marcelino Renayla, Jr, Creative Commons)
Signs, Wonders, & Movement-making
Second Sunday of Easter Year B, April 12, 2015
Jesus’ simple guide for an abundant life in faithful community has been working well for more than two milennia. It’s easy to contextualize, simple to follow, and provides proven results. The problem is that it requires a radical commitment. If you want signs, wonders, and movement-making, you have to be “all in.” (Photo: Mary Constance, Creative Commons)
Local Church Planned Giving Manual
This is your quintessential Planned Giving resource! This is free, online guide for congregations is designed to aid pastors and lay leaders in developing a congregational Planned Giving ministry. Includes sections devoted to establishing and promoting a Planned Giving program, congregational endowments, wills emphasis, how life-income gifts work, and more. (Photo by Ken Mayer, used by Creative Commons license)
Good News that Never Ends
Resurrection of our Lord, Year B, April 5, 2015
The Gospel of Mark’s original ending is raw, intense, and real. What might happen if we admit and honor our own 21st century fear, amazement, confusion, and silence in the face of this Good News? (Photo: Keoni Cabral, Creative Commons)