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Rise of the Dones
You’ve heard of the “Nones” — those whose religious affiliation is None. But there is a growing multitude of church ex-members who have simply left church for a variety of reasons. They’re sometimes called the de-churched. They have not abandoned their faith. They are not Nones. Rather, call them the Dones. What can we do about it? (Photo by Lukas Kastner, used by Creative Commons license.)
From Anxiety and Greed to Milk and Honey
So far as I know, the Bible says nothing explicit about subprime loans and the financial implications of such risky economic practice. There is a great deal, nonetheless, that the Bible has to say about such a crisis as we now face. I will comment in turn on a biblical perspective of an analysis of the crisis and a biblical perspective for an alternative economic practice. [Written in 2009, this prophetic article in Sojourners still speaks to our time.] (Photo by Glenn Thomas Hvidsten, used by Creative Commons license.)
7 Steps to Stewardship Success
Stewardship begins with you, the congregational leaders who know best the needs, resources and culture of your parish. Here are seven ideas that can assist you in shaping a stewardship program that produces your desired results. (Photo © kbuntu –
The Call
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Epiphany January 18, 2015
What about your call? When did you fir st hear, or feel, or sense a call to follow Jesus? However and whenever it happened, Jesus reached right across time, space, and eternity to make himself real to you in some form or name and claim you as his own. So now what? Read on! (Photo: Moritz Haase, Creative Commons)
Of Fire, Drenching, and New Growth
Narrative Lectionary Reflection for January 11, 2015 Baptism of our Lord I baptize you with water for repentance, but one who is more powerful than I is coming after me; I am not worthy to carry his sandals. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, […]
15 Things the Church Needs to Do In 2015
It’s that time of the year again, when we stand on the precipice of a new year and look forward to what is in store for us in 2015. Given the events of 2014, the church now also has a monumental opportunity to provide healing, justice, care, and compassion in new and exciting ways — ways I believe are important for the church in the upcoming year. Read them all, inSojourners, and see which fit your context. (Photo by Courtney Dirks , used by Creative Commons license)
Wet & Well Pleased
Lectionary Reflection for the Baptism of Jesus, January 11, 2015
Do we see our baptism as a commissioning, as the point in which we are continually called to dive into the deep waters of mission and ministry ourselves? We walk in Jesus’ wet footprints, to be sure, but each one of us is called, named, claimed, and sent. (Photo: Joe Mabel, Creative Commons)
Live More with Less in 2015
An ever increasing number of people are choosing to live with fewer possessions and as a result are experiencing a better quality of life. Read about the new minimalists, gather some ideas, and use what fits your context to be a better steward of all of God’s creation in 2015. (Photo: storebukkebruse, Creative Commons)
5 Questions to Guide Your Financial Resolutions
Are you thinking of making some financial resolutions for 2015? Start with these “financial health” questions, since a recent study showed them to have a high correlation with net worth. If you don’t like your current answers, here are some ways to improve your answers for this same time next year, from (Photo by […]