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When Your Church Seems to Be Dying …

No church leader I know wants to see another church close its doors. We need every local church, now more than ever, if we’re going to fulfill the Great Commission as soon as possible. But each local church in history has tended to have its own life cycle. Some are revived and have a whole new life. Others disband and dissolve. And many churches limp along in mere survival mode for a couple of decades until their stalwart generation is gone and then close their doors. If you think your church might be dying, here are some possible next moves. (Photo by Tom Blackwell, used by Creative Commons license)

Hidden in Plain Sight

Second Sunday of Christmas Year B Lectionary Reflection
January 4, 2015
We look for God in all kinds of places when the Divine Presence is all around us all of the time–hidden in plain sight, often inside the carefully preserved and treasured edifices in which God’s people gather for worship, even more often in the poor, the lonely, the imprisoned, the widowed and orphaned, and the hungry among us. (Photo: Victor Ramos, Creative Commons)

Sing a Song of Christmas Joy!

Lectionary Reflection for the First Sunday of Christmas, Year B, December 28, 2014
Perhaps today’s ordinary yet extraordinary story from the scant reporting of Jesus’ childhood is a reminder to us that even in the midst of the ordinary, as Christians we are marked by the extraordinary love and mercy of the Creator of the Cosmos. We dare not forget this fact, even as we work, play, love, eat, and grow. (Photo: Derry Oates, Creative Commons License)

Pope Francis Warns Against ‘Spiritual Alzheimer’s’

Meeting with his top leaders for the annual exchange of Christmas greetings, Pope Francis sidestepped a typical genteel and upbeat message to issue a unvarnished critique of their leadership, including a “catalog” of 15 spiritual ailments for them to be wary of. SOLI Editor’s Note: It’s the kind of message that all Christian Leaders need to hear once in a while. Be sure to click on the sidebar listing the ailments. For which of the 15 are you susceptible? (Photo © Christy Thompson –

Dream a Little Dream of Messiah

Narrative Lectionary for the Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year One
Tell Joseph’s unlikely story of dreams, of decisions, and of righteous intentions. Invite us all to dream a little dream of Christmas—not of sugarplums and reindeer clatter but rather of peace, of justice, and of salvation. Set the stage for the real work of Christmas to begin. (Photo: Ted, Creative Commons)

Stewards of Advent Time: Be

Fourth Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 21, 2014
“…let it be with me according to your word,” says Mary. Let it be. What a statement of radical assent! What an affirmation of faith, a declaration of trust, and a testament to courage! This week we once again remind ourselves that we stand with Mary, with Peter, and with all the faithful witnesses to the Good News of Jesus Christ. (Photo: Paukrus, Creative Commons)

When Creation Runs a Fever

Climate scientist and evangelical Christian Katherine Hayhoe discusses climate change, why our faith demands action, and the reasons why we must move beyond politics and ideological arguments in this recent interview with Ann Neumann in Guernica. (Photo: John LeGear, Creative Commons)

Congregational Leadership as Spiritual Practice

Congregational leadership involves seeing the holy in the congregation’s members and the quotidian activities of the church and trying to bring that holiness out in partnership with God and others. But in the business of congregational life, it is easy to lose our way, focus on product rather than persons, become overwhelmed by the tasks of ministry, and forget that we are always on holy ground as we interact with God’s beloved children. What can we do? Here are some ideas. (Photo by Lel4nd, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewards of Advent Time: Witness

Third Sunday of Advent, Year B, December 14, 2014
Like John the Baptist, we are called to point to Jesus, to share the good news so that others may know him. Witness is not passive. We tell the story of what we have seen, heard, and experienced. (Photo: Paolo Tonin, Creative Commons)

In Case You Had Any Questions…

Narrative Lectionary Reflection for December 14, 2014 (Year One) Third Sunday of Advent
Sometimes we just need to lift our eyes, open our ears, and tear away those protective layers in which we wrap our hearts in order to hear a word of hope. Read this week’s lesson again. Read it out loud. Read it again and again until the words fill the broken and bruised parts of you. Fill yourself with he good news that God is God and is always doing something new. (Photo: Lau Lau Chan, Creative Commons)