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Sacrificial Giving Program

Sacrificial giving requires of us that we put God’s priorities before our own, that we put the support of God’s Church and its mission before our own pleasure and comfort. In other words, we give to the Church a planned, proportionate amount of our income in gratitude for all that God has given to us. This six-week program will give you all the tools and inspiration you need to bring this idea into your congregation. (Photo by Lisafx, via

How to Prevent an Identity Crisis

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection, Year A, August 24, 2014
Want to know how to prevent an identity crisis? Take a cue from Peter in this week’s gospel lesson. This lesson applies to 21st century followers of Jesus, too! (Photo: David Goehring, Creative Commons)

A Crumby Gospel

Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A, August 17, 2014
Chances are that this week folks in your faith community will be reeling and/or numb from world events. Add to that the usual list of prayer needs and human brokenness and pain. So hand out this crumby gospel, these crumbs of abundant love, grace, and salvation, and don’t be stingy.(Photo: Simon James, Creative Commons)

Training Tool: Effective Leadership in the Church:

It’s no secret that more than ever churches need good leadership. But how do you develop leaders? This 60-page training guide can help. Put the case studies and exercises to work in congregational retreats, staff meetings, Christian education classes and other settings.

Jesus > Chaos + Fear + Doubt

Ninth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, August 10, 2014
Going through chaos into unknown and/or hostile territory makes for some fine drama, unless of course you are the one who is experiencing it. In this week’s gospel reading, Jesus sends the disciples into life’s storms, and they fail to recognize him. How might we be like those early followers? (Photo: Binny V A, Creative Commons)

A Manual for Year-Round Stewardship

Everybody knows the best stewardship efforts take place 365 days a year, and this manual is designed to help congregational leaders to formulate a vision for year-round stewardship and create a plan for implementing it. The manual gathers together some of the best resources of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Divine Hospitality & Abundance

Eighth Sunday after Pentecost Year A, August 3, 2014
There is so much more than mere money to God’s abundance; in fact, by honoring all aspects of God’s abundance and desire for us to live life to its fullest, we are equipped to better understand how to weave our understanding and right use of financial resources into our daily living. (Photo: Amy Gaertner, Creative Commons)

Feasting on Gratitude

Perfect for your fall campaign — here’s a six-week stewardship reflection series on the Lectionary Gospel lessons, beginning Oct. 5. Feasting on Gratitude invites readers to reflect and discuss stewardship principles and practices. Designed to complement and support a congregation’s annual giving campaign, Written for Lectionary Year A in 2011, the series is timely again in 2014. (Photo by JustCookNYC, used by Creative Commons license)

Do You Really Get It?

Seventh Sunday after Pentecost Year A July 27, 2014 Have you understood all this?” They answered, “Yes.” And he said to them, “Therefore every scribe who has been trained for the kingdom of heaven is like the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old.” Matthew […]

Mission, Gratitude are Keys to Giving

Struggling to provide good ministry with declining resources, many congregational leaders want to know what it takes to boost donations. There is no magic formula, but generally speaking worshipers want to feel their contributions are making a difference. Members give most generously when they feel connected to their church, are grateful for its role in their lives and confident it is contributing to God’s work.