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Stewards of the Promise (Part One)
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Easter, Year A
May 11, 2014
Yes, Jesus is the Good Shepherd, but why not use this Sunday to begin a three-part series on stewardship? We are called to steward the promises of God, yet too often our stewardship focuses too much on money and not enough on our role as active participants in ushering in God’s reign and the life abundant. (Photo: fady habib, Creative Commons)
Congregation-Based Community Organizing
Amid a time enormous cultural and economic changes, many of our churches struggle for mere survival, rather than how to be a light to a dark world. But a study by Interfaith Funders and the University of New Mexico show that many churches have found purpose, strength, hope and growth through Congregation-Based Community Organizing. This 24-page PDF introduces the concept. (Photo by Mark Parker, used by Creative Commons license)
Rearview Mirror Evangelism
Third Sunday of Easter Lectionary Reflection, Year A, May 4, 2014
Sometimes the obvious is experienced right under our noses yet understood by looking backwards–a sort of rearview mirror experience. Our faith journey is filled with such moments, making evangelism something understood in reverse yet shared forward. (Photo: adogcalledstray, Creative Commons)
Do You See Them? A New Paradigm of Family
Here’s the church. Here’s the steeple. Open the door and, wait . . . Where are all the people? Unfortunately, churches all across America are closing their doors. “Where are all the people?†The biggest factors are well known, but there is another reason, a hidden and almost secret reason, churches are not growing. That reason is congregations not being fully aware of the kinds of families living in their communities and surrounding their churches. (Article from Circuit Rider) (Photo © Cienpiesnf –
Life in His Name
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday of Easter, Year A
April 27, 2014
Instead of looking at this snapshot from John’s gospel as merely Thomas’ story of encountering the risen Christ, maybe we need to explore it from our Lord’s perspective of relationship, of reaching out and clothing us in his love and with his own name and identity. (Photo: Mark Morgan, Creative Commons)
It’s About Time—Sort Of
Lectionary Reflection for the Resurrection of our Lord, Year A, April 20, 2014
Jesus’ simple instructions to the women provide clear direction for us today. There’s no time like this present festival day to go and tell the good news. (Photo: dmitry b., Creative Commons)
The Scary Truth about Christian Giving
The Bible gives a two-sided portrayal of wealth: It is good, but it can seduce us into sin. The solution, according to New Testament scholar Craig L. Blomberg, is to freely share it. In Christians in an Age of Wealth: A Biblical Theology of Stewardship (Zondervan), Blomberg, who teaches at Denver Seminary, argues that sacrificial giving is an essential part of good stewardship. He spoke with CT editor at large Rob Moll about our spending patterns and whether Christians are required to tithe. (Photo (c) Luke Peterson, used by Creative Commons license)
Like a Broken Vessel
Palm/Passion Sunday, Year A
April 13, 2014
Along with suggestions for your Palm/Passion Sunday worship and ideas for youth and children, we bring a special message for all of you who serve and lead God’s people in worship. Thank you for all you do! (Photo: Ian Stannard, Creative Commons)
Promoting Healthy Congregations
Health is a process, not a thing or state. It is ongoing, dynamic, and ever changing. Health is a direction, not a destination, a once-and-for-all property. Congregational leaders are the key stewards of the congregation as a unit in itself. (Photo by Antti Nissinen, used by Creative Commons license)
A Discipleship Elevator Speech?
Lectionary Reflection, The Baptism of Our Lord, Year A January 12, 2014 Then Peter began to speak to them: ‘I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him…’ Acts 10:34-35 Today the Church celebrates the Baptism of our Lord, […]