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Life beyond the Usual
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 18, 2011
If anything is possible with God, why do we have such a hard time believing it and embodying God to our world? (Photo by NASA used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Five Principles of Stewardship in the Congregation
The stewardship of the gospel begins where we are. It is within and outside the congregation that we share the responsibility and accountability with other stewards of the gospel. And it needs to be said as forcibly as possible that what we do is as important as what we say. Someone has wisely observed that “It is not enough to talk the talk, unless we also walk the walk.” (Photo by Sultry used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
The Divine Ensemble
Trinity Sunday, Year C
Finding an image to communicate the mystery of the Holy Trinity is a daunting task, and one that will never yield a perfect result. However, this writer gives it one more stab, borrowing an image from the actor’s toolkit.
Fasting God’s Way
Lectionary Reflection, 5th Sunday After Epiphany, Year A
February 9, 2014
What do the words of Jesus and the Prophet have to say to us about discipleship this week? Plenty! While the instructions are tough ones to hear and follow, we are not alone and we do not “fast” in vain. So, dear friends, let your lights shine and spread mercy, justice, and generosity liberally wherever you go. Read on for ideas with youth and children and for worship. (Photo: ralph repo, Creative Commons)