Browsing Environment

Greening Your Office

With simple steps that are easy to implement, you can make your office more energy efficient and cut down on waste. How many can you achieve by next week? From (Photo by  Zhao!, used by Creative Commons license)

Serving God, Saving the Planet Film Series & Study

Blessed Earth and Dr. Matthew Sleeth offer a twelve-part study series with two films “Hope for Creation” and “Hope for Humanity” designed to help disciples dig deeply into issues of creation care. Check it out here. (Photo: Michael 1952, Creative Commons)

Resolve to be Green in 2015

Creation care doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are five simple ways you can do a better job of caring for the earth. A little bit of effort goes a long way! (Photo Steve Snodgrass, Creative Commons)

Join the Hymn of All Creation

Join the hymn, yes, but also minister to God’s creation as priests, reminds Tom Mundahl in his Lectionary reflection for Dec. 28 on “The coming of God in Christ at Christmas changes everything.” (Photo by The Bees, used by Creative Commons license)

When Creation Runs a Fever

Climate scientist and evangelical Christian Katherine Hayhoe discusses climate change, why our faith demands action, and the reasons why we must move beyond politics and ideological arguments in this recent interview with Ann Neumann in Guernica. (Photo: John LeGear, Creative Commons)

Solar Electricity Energizes Church

It’s good for the environment, and it’s good for the church budget — in the long run. Read about how faithful Christians installed solar panels for their church, from Lutherans Restoring Creation. Could it work at your house of worship? (Photo by  Michael Coghlan, used by Creative Commons license)

Host a Cool Climate Potluck in your Congregation

Here’s a wonderful toolkit from Interfaith Power and Light designed to help you start or continue a conversation about healthy food choices, environmental stewardship, and climate. The kit provides all you need to host your own event. (Photo: gina pina, Creative Commons)

Climate Change Curriculum for Churches

Climate change is a confusing topic, not to mention a terrifying one. It often feels more about problems than solutions, which makes it easy to push to the sidelines as “something scientists can deal with.” This free, six-lesson course prepared by the UU United Nations Office aims to give participants a solid understanding of the facts behind climate change, an appreciation of the earth, and tools to find solutions on a range of scales. (Photo by Takver, used by Creative Commons license)

Christians Join Climate Change March

Christians were well represented among the 310,000 people who traveled to New York City on Sunday, Sept. 21, for the largest-ever protest to spur world leaders to address climate change. The march was in advance of a UN Summit. Good reporting, plus a video, from the Christian Science Monitor. (Photo by Takver, used by Creative […]

  • September 26
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Harvest Liturgy

Harvest time is in full swing in the many parts of the northern hemisphere. If you’re planning a Harvest Sunday, here’s an almost complete liturgy from the “parishLife” blog of Simon Rundell, rector and author. Be sure to check out his other work whilst you’re there. (Photo: Herry Lawford, Creative Commons)

  • September 10
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