Browsing Environment

Fast for Climate Change

There’s a growing movement. Thousands of God’s people are fasting — going without food — on the first of every month to stand in solidarity with the poor and people who are suffering from climate change. Read about this movement and watch the video. Will you join them?

Table Grace for Environmental Stewards

From Cool Harvest, a program of Interfaith Power and Light, comes a handy downloadable PDF booklet entitled “Thanking God with Integrity: Volume II Table Grace in a World Struggling with Climate Change.” No matter your stance on this issue, you’ll find this booklet well worth reading and sharing. (Photo: Shannon Patrick 17, Creative Commons)

Why Christians Care about Climate Change

Almost daily scientists find new evidence that human activity is altering the earth’s climate and threatening the future of life on earth. This succinct article from the United Church of Christ provides a good overview of the problem, why we care, and what we can do about it.  (Photo by Takver, used by Creative Commons […]

Are Fossil Fuels ‘Sinful’?

Repenting from what it called the “sin” of fossil fuel, Union Seminary divested itself of stocks in energy companies. “Climate change poses a catastrophic threat. As stewards of God’s creation, we simply must act to stop this sin,” commented Union president Serene Jones.  From Religion News Service.  (Photo by Grant Rambojan, used by Creative Commons […]

The Bible Calls For Moral Action on Climate Change

When it comes to climate change, here is the moral narrative. What will your grandchildren’s grandchildren ask about why we, and why you, did not do what was necessary for them? Why were we so selfish and short-sighted? And here is the biblical and spiritual narrative: does care for God’s creation really allow us to exploit the earth and its resources for short term economic self-interest? Is that good stewardship and the humble worship of God? (Photo by Giuliano Maiolini, used by Creative commons license)

Sunday School Lessons: God’s Earth, Our Home

This guide outlines Sunday school classes about for children, youth and adults about caring for God’s creation and how we can help conserve natural resources through lifestyle changes. Designed by the New Community Project for a broad faith audience, they can be adapted for your context.

Prayers to Care for Creation

Perfect for planning a worship that celebrates God’s creation, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops has assembled prayers appropriate for that occasion, as well as lists of Scripture readings from both the Hebrew Bible and New Testaments. (Photo © Keller,

Pope Francis on Environmentalism

No surprise that Pope Francis, who has renewed Christian concern for the poor, also has deep concern for the environment. Here, from Catholic Climate Covenant, is a wide assortment of Pope Francis’ teachings on the environment. (Photo by Semilla Luz, used by Creative Commons license)

Dirt People: An Eco-Sermon for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is a perfect opportunity to remind people that God created us from the earth, suggests “ecopreacher” Rev. Leah Schade. “Finding ways to reconnect with the earth from which you were created is so essential to finding wholeness and being at rest in God.”  (Photo by Josh Larios, used by Creative Commons license.)

Environmental Churches

Check out this short National Geographic Video about Environmental Churches. These congregations are examples of those taking substantial steps to evaluate and reduce their consumption of energy and resources. (Photo: upyernos, Creative Commons)