Browsing Environment

Where Christians Get Environmentalism Wrong

Some Christians want to dismiss the environment as a lesser issue compared with the weightiness of the Gospel. But if the Gospel is the story of how the life, death and resurrection of Christ redeems and renews believers and all creation with them, then the proper care of the earth becomes a Gospel implication. Good […]

Make a Personal Covenant to be an Earthkeeper!

So, you consider yourself an environmentalist Christian? Well, take the plunge! This personal earthkeeping covenant from Lutherans Restoring Creation will outline specific actions you can take in your daily life to be a “green” (or “greener) disciple. Why not challenge your study or youth group? )Photo by dizfunkshinal, used by creative commons license

Congregational Earthkeeping Manual

Earth is in trouble—from global climate change, the pollution of air, land, and water, and much more. As people of faith, we believe that the degraded ecological condition is in part a spiritual problem. And as people of faith, we can work to educate about, advocate for and model a new ways of looking at God’s creation. This manual will explain how. (Photo Photo by Aussiegall, used by Creative Commons license.)

Become an ‘Energy Star’ Congregation

Don’t just preach about creation care, lead by example! Get your congregation involved in energy efficiency in the federal ‘Energy Star’ program. It’s a win-win-win, helping to conserve energ, save the church money (that can be used for mission) and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions.  Moreover, you’ll be teaching God’s people a lesson.  (Photo © Mopic – […]

Enough is Enough

When is enough, well, enough? Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill have some definite ideas and suggestions. Check out this essay adapted for the New Dream Blog from their book Enough is Enough. It squares well with scriptural guidance and would make a good basis for topical study. (Photo: jakerome, Creative Commons)

Creative Recycling

Check out this article from Mother Nature Network! It shows you how to recycle everything from crayons to Crocs and a whole lot more. (Photo: jjsink, Creative Commons)

The Problem of Wealth: Pentecost 18C

in this lectionary reflection from Lutherans Restoring Creation, Tom Mundahl handily tackles this week’s parable of the rich man and the dishonest manager, seeing it as a means of exploring the problem of wealth and embracing the gift economy. An interesting take on a hard passage.

  • September 18
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The Earth is the Lord’s

We seem to have become a very possessive people, and so we feel it is our right to cut, chop, dig, blow up, hew down and sell off anything that is on “our land.” But Psalms 24: 1 challenges us: Everything belongs to the Lord, and we have no right to exploit it just for […]

  • September 10
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The Church and Climate Change

Catholic Bernard Unabali of Papua New Guinea serves people who became the world’s first Climate Change Refugees when rising sea levels overran their atoll communities, and he expects there to be many more refugees coming years. Part of a Catholic symposium on climate change, his witness helps connect faith and the environment.

A Beloved Community: Christian Mission in an Ecological Age

The planet is facing major ecological problems: global warming, loss of species diversity, loss of forests and arable land, disposal of garbage and toxic waste, pollution of air, land, and water, over-population, depletion of non-replaceable natural resources, diminution of food sources, ocean acidification and collapse of fisheries, among others. And the survival of creation as we humans have known it is at stake. Here are five principles for a Christian response. (Photo by NASA)