Browsing Culture

Shalom and Smartphones
Technology provides an abundance of blessings and opportunities, but our cultural dependence on technology is also leading to a variety of problems and challenges, including what is termed “smartphone addiction.” Tom Beutel offers some thoughts on good stewardship of technology. (Photo: Esther Vargas, Creative Commons)

Healthy Talk about Stewardship
It’s not hard to understand why talk about money and giving might make a congregation uncomfortable, and maybe even guilty and resentful. So how do we move to healthy ways of talking and preaching about money in our churches? This post from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship has some great ideas. (Photo: Fallonyates, Creative Commons)

17 Stats for Consumption
Here’s a handy article from Joshua Becker referencing 17 staggering statistics about American consumer habits. You’ll find these stats fascinating, sad, and great fodder for preaching and teaaching about stewardship. (Photo: Rob Holland, Creative Commons)

Is it Robbing God to Tithe on Your Net Income?
It’s the question you frequently hear about tithing — do you base it on gross income? Or after-tax income? This feature presents different viewpoints from three writers — Frederica Mathewes-Green, David A. Croteau and Steve Stewart. Which viewpoint resonates with your own view? (Photo: Tax Credits, Creative Commons)

Time and Talent Surveys
When was the last time your congregation asked folks to fill out time and talent surveys? Maybe this fall is a great time to freshen up your records. These sample time and talent surveys — in both PDF or Word format — can help you freshen up your forms as well! From the United Methodist […]

The Freedom in Saying “No”
Next time you’re tempted to make a purchase, consider the freedom you night gain by saying “no” instead of “yes” to consumption. Joshua Becker explains how part of good stewardship lies in learning to assess the difference in these two simple words. Â (Photo: sboneham, Creative Commons)

Book Review: Making Grateful Kids
In Making Grateful Kids: The Science of Building Character, Jeffrey J. Froh and Giacomo Bono present a vision of nurturing gratitude that extends from families to society to the world. The challenge us to imaging raising a “Generation G” (G is for Grateful!), says this review, from Rosanna Anderson of the United Methodist Church. (Photo: Barney Moss, Creative Commons)

De-Clutter Your Calendar, Simplify Your Life
It’s easy to understand why so many people struggle to make time for giving back. Work, school, home, sports, family and church activities leave little room for anything else. Being intentional about your schedule allows you to make time for the things you value most, and this article from offers tips on how. (Photo […]

Stewardship is Rooted in Relationship
The starting point for stewardship is our relationship to God, says Methodist writer Larry Hollon. A vibrant, flourishing life occurs when we are in a right relationship with God and with others. These relationships inform us of our own value and the value of the gift of life, and its meaning and purpose.