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Shalom and Smartphones
Technology provides an abundance of blessings and opportunities, but our cultural dependence on technology is also leading to a variety of problems and challenges, including what is termed “smartphone addiction.” Tom Beutel offers some thoughts on good stewardship of technology. (Photo: Esther Vargas, Creative Commons)

Top 10 Excuses Not to Give
If your church is like most, the top third of your givers will contribute about 70 percent of the income, and the bottom third will have no record of giving at all. Zero. Why don’t they give? The stewardship director  from the Anglican Diocese of Toronto lists the top 10 excuses he’s heard. (Photo: Bark, Creative Commons […]

Make Useful Gifts for Giving!
Tired of giving and getting yet another tie, fruitcake, or dust-catching gift? Try making some of these easy and useful gifts! There’s something for all ages and ability levels. (Photo: Muffett, Creative Commons)

Why are Christians so Miserable at Charity?
When it comes to giving to the poor, why are Christians so miserable at it? The short answer is human nature, but the long answer has to do with one’s experiences with money. Generally , the more money people have, the less generous they are. Those who have experienced poverty are more likely to help. Here is an exploration, as well as some tips for developing your own generosity. (Photo: Steven Depolo, Creative Commons)

Reconnecting to the Natural World
Richard Louv coined the term “nature deficit disorder” to explain the effects of being disconnected from the natural world. In his new book, Vitamin N, he offer 500 actions people can take to improve their quality of life and their communities. How can our congregations encourage more connection with creation? It’s good stewardship of creation […]

Brochure: Finding Hope in Hard Times
Whether it’s loss of a job, underemployment or income stagnation amid rising bills, many people today are facing hard financial times. This brochure outlines seven spiritual practices to maintain hope. From the Episcopal Church.

Book Review: ‘The Generous Church’
What difference does generosity make in the church? Why is generosity so vital for congregations? Author Tom Berlin, calls the church to focus on its distinctive mission—to bring to fruition the desire to “make a difference in the world, in the name of Christ.†Review from the United Methodist Church.

Cultivate Gratitude in the Church
Scientists and church folk alike know that living a life of gratitude reaps benefits spiritually, mentally and physically. “Thankfulness releases us from anger and from materialism,” says Doris Whitaker, University of Mississippi Medical Center chaplain. “It helps us acknowledge that there’s something greater than us.†Here, with links to lots of other resources, are some ways to cultivate generosity.

December ‘Toolbox’ for Congregations
Here is a great all-in-one resource for your congregation’s monthly stewardship communication and education needs. You’ll find short “Stewardship Snippets†for every Sunday’s bulletin and articles for your monthly newsletter or website – ready to cut and paste! There’s links to resources and more! Prepared by SOLI web editor Rob Blezard. (Photo: Matt Joyce, Creative Commons)

Why Christians Should Care About Creation
In this podcast the director of Lutherans Restoring Creation discusses the role of creation in theology and the resources available for Christians who want to bring care for creation into their faith lives. From Gettysburg Lutheran Seminary.