Browsing Give

Carpe Tithem: How tithing can invigorate your faith

The vast majority of people in the world cannot even imagine the standard of living that most Americans take for granted. The truth is that we are called to worship God with our wallet as well as our body, mind, spirit and heart. Following are five ways to re-imagine the tithe so that we can see it as an essential expression of the life of faith. (Great article in the Journal of Lutheran Ethics.) Photo © Pei Lin –

Handling Benevolence Gifts According to IRS Guidelines

Tragedy has struck a family close to your congregation, and of course your church wants to help. But asking for donations just for them might run your congregation afoul of the IRS, which would rule those donations NOT tax-deductible by the donor, and reportable as income by the beneficiary, according to a financial expert. (Photo © Ashumskiy –

FREE e-book: ‘How Much is Enough?’

Some of the brightest minds of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America have collaborated for this collection of essays exploring “How Much is Enough: A Deeper Look at Stewardship in an Age of Abundance.” Each author looks at one aspect of what it means to be a well-formed stewardship leader — the basic competencies needed.

So you’re the new stewardship chair?

Lucky you! For the Episcopal Church has assembled some dandy resources to help you get your ministry off the ground and flying high! Everything from building a committee to financial commitment programs that work. (Photo by Konephoto, via

Estate Planning: A Key to Faithful Stewardship

An estate plan is a significant resource for a faithful Christian steward, and estate planning gives the church a tremendous opportunity to help educate parishioners about the key components of a Christian estate plan. Here are some ways to get started. (Photo by MonkeyBusinessImages, via

Congregational Discernment and Stewardship

The spiritual practice of discernment may be a useful tool for congregations when it comes to matters of stewardship of money. Check out this article by spiritual director Teresa Blythe on the Patheos website. (Photo by hickory hardscrabble used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Tithing = ten percent…of what?

Here’s an amusing, yet insightful, look at what constitutes “tithing.” Click here to watch a YouTube video entitled “Tithing = ten percent…of what?” (Photo by seo_gun used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Five Principles of Stewardship in the Congregation

The stewardship of the gospel begins where we are. It is within and outside the congregation that we share the responsibility and accountability with other stewards of the gospel. And it needs to be said as forcibly as possible that what we do is as important as what we say. Someone has wisely observed that “It is not enough to talk the talk, unless we also walk the walk.” (Photo by Sultry used under a Creative Commons License. Thanks!)

Testimony of a Tither

I have tithed for many decades, and it has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Although there were always places that the money could go, I never felt that I did not have enough for me and my family. I also felt the need to tell others of my tithing experience. Why am I a tither?

‘Follow Your Heart’ Stewardship Program

Worried that “stewardship season” is fast approaching and you don’t know what to do? Here’s an annual appeal that Faith Lutheran Church, Fargo, ND, is sharing with everyone. Access everything from letters to members to brochures that you can customize for your own congregation.  (Photo by HolgerE, used under Creative Commons license. Thanks!)