Browsing Planned Giving

Prepare for Those 65 and Older
The number of Americans 65 and older is expected to almost double from 40 million in 2010 to 74 million in 2030. Retirees facing an uncertain future on a fixed income may not be able to give as generously to the church year-by-year, but they will be putting their estate plans and wills in order. Here are some ways your congregation can get ready! (Photo: Garry Knight, Creative Commons)

Create a Church Endowment Fund
An endowment fund can help provide financial stability for your congregation for years to come. This free 14-page resource offers solid advice for how to go about creating a fund — and even a checklist! Written for the Presbyterian Church (USA), it has good tips for any church. (Photo © rangizzz –

Estate Planning: A Key to Faithful Stewardship
An estate plan is a significant resource for a faithful Christian steward, and estate planning gives the church a tremendous opportunity to help educate parishioners about the key components of a Christian estate plan. Here are some ways to get started. (Photo by MonkeyBusinessImages, via