Browsing Growth

Church Turnaround Ideas
What kinds of things give the American church hope for the future? In spite of declining trends, participants at the recent Future of the Church summit identified some clear strengths and opportunities for the church in North America. From Thom Schultz of (Photo by Navdeep Raj, used by Creative Commons license.)

How to Turn Around the Incredibly Shrinking Church
What’s happening to today’s Mainline churches has a lot to do with cultural trends, but more important is the birthrate, argues this writer in Do you agree? What is affecting your church?

Rise of the Dones
You’ve heard of the “Nones” — those whose religious affiliation is None. But there is a growing multitude of church ex-members who have simply left church for a variety of reasons. They’re sometimes called the de-churched. They have not abandoned their faith. They are not Nones. Rather, call them the Dones. What can we do about it? (Photo by Lukas Kastner, used by Creative Commons license.)

“This Will NEVER Work”— Why Congregations Resist Change (and How to Respond)
Every congregational leader has had this experience: A well-presented great idea — bold, creative, innovative and missional — is met with a tsunami of resistance. This article from talks about the top pretexts for resistance and how to handle them.

Live More with Less in 2015
An ever increasing number of people are choosing to live with fewer possessions and as a result are experiencing a better quality of life. Read about the new minimalists, gather some ideas, and use what fits your context to be a better steward of all of God’s creation in 2015. (Photo: storebukkebruse, Creative Commons)

When Your Church Seems to Be Dying …
No church leader I know wants to see another church close its doors. We need every local church, now more than ever, if we’re going to fulfill the Great Commission as soon as possible. But each local church in history has tended to have its own life cycle. Some are revived and have a whole new life. Others disband and dissolve. And many churches limp along in mere survival mode for a couple of decades until their stalwart generation is gone and then close their doors. If you think your church might be dying, here are some possible next moves. (Photo by Tom Blackwell, used by Creative Commons license)

Moneyball for religion? Your Church Should Rethink Its Numbers
The book-turned-movie “Moneyball” chronicles how the Oakland A’s discovered a revolutionary way of thinking about baseball. Can there be a moneyball for religion? Congregations are often judged by their size, but what does this hide about the way we do religion? Is there a hidden way of doing things that should be measured, asks Tobin […]

Leading Through Change
By using principles of adaptive leadership, rather than reactive leadership, many pastors and congregational leaders are finding ways to energize, motivate and move their churches in new directions. This article, from the Reformed Church in America, gives a nice overview of adaptive leadership — and a bibliography for further reading!

Strategic Evangelism: 3 Effective Outreach Opportunities
All Christians have the obligation to share the gospel. It is, and should be, on the heart of every believer to look for opportunities to share. It does not mean, however, that you should not create special times within the body of your church for evangelism with some strategy. Here are three ideas from […]

Healthy Change in a Local Church
Wise leaders know that change in a congregation can be incredibly hard, requiring amazing amounts of time and energy. But they also know that constant change is necessary and worth the expense. Here are some principles for how to lead your congregation through healthy change. From (Photo by Phil Whitehouse, used by Creative Commons […]