Browsing Growth

Congregation-Based Community Organizing
Amid a time enormous cultural and economic changes, many of our churches struggle for mere survival, rather than how to be a light to a dark world. But a study by Interfaith Funders and the University of New Mexico show that many churches have found purpose, strength, hope and growth through Congregation-Based Community Organizing. This 24-page PDF introduces the concept. (Photo by Mark Parker, used by Creative Commons license)

Do You See Them? A New Paradigm of Family
Here’s the church. Here’s the steeple. Open the door and, wait . . . Where are all the people? Unfortunately, churches all across America are closing their doors. “Where are all the people?†The biggest factors are well known, but there is another reason, a hidden and almost secret reason, churches are not growing. That reason is congregations not being fully aware of the kinds of families living in their communities and surrounding their churches. (Article from Circuit Rider) (Photo © Cienpiesnf –

Hope and Action: A Small-Church Growth Strategies Handbook
Across the Episcopal Church, a number of small congregations are finding strength and growth. Close examination revealed they have some common characteristics: They are ‘spiritually vital and alive,”‘ they have a “strong mission and purpose,” they are ‘moral beacons in their local communities,” and they are “willing to change to meet new challenges.” The free 100-page booklet reveals their successes and strategies — and provides extensive resources for further study. (Photo by Navdeep Raj, used by Creative Commons license. Thanks!)