Browsing Health

Shalom and Smartphones
Technology provides an abundance of blessings and opportunities, but our cultural dependence on technology is also leading to a variety of problems and challenges, including what is termed “smartphone addiction.” Tom Beutel offers some thoughts on good stewardship of technology. (Photo: Esther Vargas, Creative Commons)

Try this 30 Day Gratitude Quiz
Here’s a 30 day gratitude quiz that’s definitely worth exploring–with children, teens, and adults. Author Robin Shreeves suggests adapting it for your context. (Photo: Rick Bradley, Creative Commons)

Reignite Your Passion for Ministry
Passion energizes life and turns the impossible into possible. If you don’t have any passion in your life, ministry will become boring, dull, routine, monotonous. God made you to live passionately and to serve God and God’s people with vitality, vibrancy, energy and enthusiasm. Here are some tips for reigniting passion from (Photo: Andrii […]

Stewardship of Ugly Produce
According to author Robin Shreeves, it’s time Americans embraced “ugly” to combat food waste. So in praise of the imperfect apple and ugly tomato, choose to eat the good food of God’s abundant harvest and give thanks for ugly produce. (Photo: Steven Depolo, Creative Commons)

8 Ideas for Nurturing Healing and Health
“God is a God of whole-life health. Christ expects his church to engage actively in reaching the lost and setting the oppressed free—free from the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual barriers that rob all God’s children of abundant life,” says Pr. Mike Slaughter in this insightful reflection. (Photo: Photo © Warren Goldswain, Fotolia)

Eating as Discipleship
“When we eat as members of creation, we learn to see creation not as mere fuel, but as a gift from God,” says author Jeffry Bilbro in a thoughtful review of Lisa Graham McMinn’s book “To the Table: A Spirituality of Food, Farming, and Community.” Bilbro’s essay addresses the importance of how we view and experience food and consumption. (Photo: Faith Goble, Creative Commons)

Steward Your “Self” this Summer
Too often vacations are a source of stress when they should be good stewardship of our bodies and spirits. Dr. Christine Carter offers three simple steps to taking a real vacation that will renew and refresh. (Photo: 19melissa68, Creative Commons)

Too Busy for Your Own Good?
Before I broke busy in my own life, I proudly wore my busy badge of honor. I was the queen of busy. I even had the tiara and sash to go with it. Busyness made me feel productive and needed, and I overlooked the havoc it was wreaking in my life. But contrary to what many of us have been told, we can’t handle it all, nor should we. So how do we know when we are reaching our limits? (Photo © mtkang –

Surgeon General: Happiness is Healthy
U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is on a mission to bring you health through happiness, peace and love.“Happiness†is not an emotion, an inherited disposition that is awarded to a select few, or even dependent on events that happen to you in life. Rather, Murthy argues that happiness is a perspective, and that everyone can create it for themselves with four simple, free approaches: gratitude exercises, meditation, physical activity and social connectedness. (Photo: paulisson miura, Creative Commons)

Is Leisure Essential to Life and Spirit?
In this study of the necessity of leisure, cultural curator Maria Popova calls us all to rethink our ideas about work and play and rest. While the article does not address Sabbath, the connections are clear. Stewardship of our selves and our time are essential to a well-balanced life and vigorous spirituality. (Photo: Andres N […]