Browsing Administration & Legal

Job Description: Stewardship Leader
Does the person who heads up stewardship at your congregation have a good “job description”? Sadly, the answer at many congregations is “no,” and the poor soul who is tasked with stewardship flounders around. This article from the United Methodist Church has some great ideas. (Photo: Kandyjaxx, Creative Commons)

Giving Thought to a Narrative Budget
There’s another way besides a line-item budget to present your congregation’s proposed annual spending plan. A Narrative Budget tells the story of how your church practices good stewardship of the gifts entrusted to it. It provides a vision of where the church hopes to be in the coming budget cycle. It reflects how the congregation spends its time, talent, and treasure rather than paying the bills.Check out this free 12-page resource. (Photo: Rob Nguyen, Creative Commons)

Christian Stewardship: 7 Tips for Handling Money
To be a good steward you have to recognize your relationship to things that you have. The proper relationship to things is to understand that everything belongs to God and that you have been given them to manage on God’s behalf. Here are some tips to help you put that into practice in the real […]

Year-End Accounting Checklist for Churches
Here’s a year-end checklist for churches of common tax and administrative responsibilities that should be addressed as the year draws to a close. Pass the information along to finance committees and treasurers to make sure all loose ends are wrapped up. (Photo by Thanks!)

IRS Rules on Designated Gifts for Individuals
The most difficult kind of benevolence fund contribution to evaluate (but by far the most common) is a contribution that designates a specific recipient. Churches need to exercise caution, lest they fall afoul of IRS guidelines for tax-exempt contributions. (Illustration (c) 2009 BORN, via

Count the Cost: Securing Cash Assets
How secure are your congregation’s procedures and policies for handling cash assets? Click here for a comprehensive white paper from Evangelical Christian Credit Union. This guide is easily downloadable as a PDF document and would be good reading for Church Councils, Finance Committee members, and anyone responsible for handling cash assets. (Photo by Luke & […]