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The Budgeting/Happiness Connection
Budgeting may not only improve one’s financial condition but also one’s happiness. Good budgeting is also connected to smarter spending. Check out this article and see how you can adjust your spending habits to yield more satisfaction with life. (Photo:, Creative Commons)

10 Essentials for an Effective Church Vision
What is church vision? Bill Hybels calls it “a picture of the future that produces passion and puts people in it.†Others say it is a picture of a preferred future. I say vision is what you see, feel, and hear on Sunday compounded over time. Here are 10 essentials, and some food for thought […]

January 2017 Stewardship ‘Toolbox’
Here is a great all-in-one resource for your congregation’s monthly stewardship communications. You’ll find short “Stewardship Snippets†tied to the RCL readings for every Sunday’s bulletin, articles for your monthly newsletter or website – ready to cut and paste, plus links to resources and more! Prepared by SOLI web editor Rob Blezard. (Photo © Les Cunliffe […]

Disposing of Waste Responsibly
4.4 pounds of trash per day? Yes, that’s the amount an average person throws away. In addition to reducing that amount, disposing responsibly matters. Here are some suggestions. (Photo: Grant Hutchins, Creative Commons)

10 Children’s Books that Inspire Simplicity
In this season of gift-giving (often to excess!), why not give children on your list a book that will help inspire simplicity and teach stewardship. Here are 10 suggestions to consider. (Photo: San Jose Library, Creative Commons)

Job Description: Stewardship Leader
Does the person who heads up stewardship at your congregation have a good “job description”? Sadly, the answer at many congregations is “no,” and the poor soul who is tasked with stewardship flounders around. This article from the United Methodist Church has some great ideas. (Photo: Kandyjaxx, Creative Commons)

Tips for Increasing Year-End Giving
Giving at year-end represents an increasing portion of total giving in many churches. Recognizing the many different circumstances that may motivate people’s desire to give in December, here are some strategies to maximize giving at the end of the year.  (Photo: Grublee,

Don’t be an ‘Eco-Tourist’ Church
Some churches jump on the “green” bandwagon but don’t ride it very far, says this blogger, who calls them “eco-tourist” congregations. Is your church one of them? If so, there’s plenty you can do about it. (Photo: Essentielly, Creative Commons)

Shalom and Smartphones
Technology provides an abundance of blessings and opportunities, but our cultural dependence on technology is also leading to a variety of problems and challenges, including what is termed “smartphone addiction.” Tom Beutel offers some thoughts on good stewardship of technology. (Photo: Esther Vargas, Creative Commons)

Top 10 Excuses Not to Give
If your church is like most, the top third of your givers will contribute about 70 percent of the income, and the bottom third will have no record of giving at all. Zero. Why don’t they give? The stewardship director  from the Anglican Diocese of Toronto lists the top 10 excuses he’s heard. (Photo: Bark, Creative Commons […]