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Wills Program Toolbox
Do you know that 60 percent of Americans die without leaving a will? Creating and promoting a Wills Emphasis Program in the local congregation opens an important avenue for members and friends to leave a lasting legacy of their faith. Free 12-page guide from the Presbyterian Foundation.

On Sacrificial Giving
The motive of our giving is not to meet the church’s needs, but to meet our own personal need to respond to God’s overwhelming generosity to us by becoming givers ourselves.The Bible uses a word, often misunderstood, to help us see this more clearly. The word is sacrifice. Good reading from the Episcopal Diocese of […]

Creation Care for Children
Blessed Earth offers a great list of resources for lessons, activities, and books to teach children about creation care. You’re sure to find something useful! (Photo:Â d-olwen-dee, creative commons)

Asset-Mapping Stewardship
Asset Mapping is a one hour to half day guided conversation that can best be described as a way of brainstorming real actions (the things we can do by putting existing assets together in new ways) and empowering people to do what their hearts tell them to do. From the Free Methodist Church in Canada. […]

Best Practices: Handling Church Offerings
Because not everybody is honest, even in church, congregations ought to have guidelines for handling the offering. Guidelines protect the church, the offering and the counters themselves. Here are some suggested guidelines from the West Ohio Conference, UMC. (Photo © James Steidl –

Stewardship is Rooted in Relationship
The starting point for stewardship is our relationship to God, says Methodist writer Larry Hollon. A vibrant, flourishing life occurs when we are in a right relationship with God and with others. These relationships inform us of our own value and the value of the gift of life, and its meaning and purpose.

Study Finds Link Between Happiness and Church
A scientific study suggests that joining a religious group could do more for someone’s “sustained happiness†than other forms of social participation, such as volunteering, playing sports or taking a class. Good news, from the Washington Post. (Photo © Maksim Bukovski –

What if the Church Tithed?
What a wonderful world it could be if our hearts and eyes were in sync! This article offers some good food for thought about how tithing could make a real difference if the entire Church decided to do it. (Photo: Evan Jackson, Creative Commons)

Stewardship as a Lifestyle
This brilliant and insightful workshop by former ELCA Presiding Bishop H. George Anderson helps bring church members into a fuller understanding of holistic stewardship. “Stewardship is like a magnet passing over the jumbled pins and needles of our life, organizing them into a meaningful pattern. Stewardship is the Christian lifestyle.” (Photo: Mimi_K, Creative Commons)