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Intro to Planned Giving Webinar

Wondering how to tackle even the basics of planned giving to ensure your congregation’s future ministry and mission? Check out this informative webinar from the Episcopal Church Foundation!

What We can Learn from Refugees

Canon Trevor Stubbs, who teaches at a college in South Sudan, shares four things we can learn from refugees about stewardship and generosity. (Photo: European Commission, Creative Commons)

Sharing the Gift

Here’s an interview with the director of the documentary film GIFT, about the gift economy. On the rise in secular culture, the notion of “gift” has long been a principle of faith communities. How might we encourage and heighten awareness of how our congregations can participate in the gift culture? After all, we are all […]

Top Mistakes Pastors Make with Money

Look closely and you’ll find all sorts of approaches that pastors take regarding money.  Some are completely hands-on, while others run from the issue completely. But here are some approaches that a church leader would be wise to avoid. From (Photo: Tal Atlas, Creative Commons)

Good Steward Worksheet

Here’s a helpful tool from the folks at–a worksheet for daily, monthly, and yearly covenant activities for better stewardship. Permission is given to reprint for your use in the congregation. (Photo: IFPL, Creative Commons)

Is Leisure Essential to Life and Spirit?

In this study of the necessity of leisure, cultural curator Maria Popova calls us all to rethink our ideas about work and play and rest. While the article does not address Sabbath, the connections are clear. Stewardship of our selves and our time are essential to a well-balanced life and vigorous spirituality. (Photo: Andres N […]

Regular Exercise is Good for Leaders

With so much going on in our churches and culture, pastors and other leaders face more stress and busyness than ever before, and statistics show that we’re less healthy than we used to be. Regular exercise can help, says this article from (Photo: Dr. Abdulla Nasar, Creative Commons)

Four Congregation Stewardship Models

When it comes to commitment program models, there are four basic ones that you can adapt for your congregation’s use. This handy article describes the models, as well as the pros and cons of each one. From the Anglican Church in Canada. (Photo: Chris Potter, Creative Commons)

Four Pillers of Stewardship

Your congregation can develop a culture of stewardship and generosity — all it takes is time and effort (but doesn’t everything?). Here, from the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vancouver, are Four Pillars of Stewardship. Solid, simple, straightforward advice. Now get to work.

Take the Stewardship Assessment

How is your congregation doing on stewardship? More importantly, how can you improve? This simple self-assessment from the United Church of Canada can help you identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for future growth. (Photo by Alberto G.: Creative Commons)