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A “Path” to More Effective Giving

Although not a “churchy” article, Wharton Management Professor Adam Grant’s interview with Nicholas Kristof about a “path” to more effective giving is sure to spark some ideas about how to ignite congregants’ passion for ministry and mission opportunities. (Photo:, Creative Commons)

Preach on St. Francis

Esteemed theologian the Rev. Dr. H. Paul Santmire offers detailed guidance for preaching Lectionary-based sermons on St. Francis for Sept. 27, Oct. 4 and Oct. 11. It’s a creative way to touch on environmental stewardship issues in your preaching.  From (Photo by randomcuriosity, used by Creative Commons license)

4 Ways Christians Can Be Better with Their Money

It’s  not rocket science, but Derek Olsen’s thoughts on such topics as spending and debt bear frequent repeating. After all, there’s always room for improvement! (Photo: Steven DePolo, Creative Commons)

Motivational Quarterly Reports

Giving strictly financial information in quarterly reports is a wasted opportunity, says stewardship author J. Clif Christopher, who suggests ways to give donors some reasons to keep on giving.  (Photo by Lenore Edman, used by Creative Commons license)

  • September 23
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Pray, Serve, Give!

Three simple ways to help your parishioners grow in discipleship and stewardship are explained in this handy, easy-to-understand handout from the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix. (Photo by redwinegums, used by Creative Commons license)

  • September 23
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Two Books on Altruism and Charitable Giving You Should Read

Stewardship is much more than annual drives and pledges. There’s a lot of science behind why people give, and all too often church folk are out of the loop. Check out these two books and consider how your faith community is doing when it comes to sharing story, mission, and opportunities for generosity. (Photo: Sabastien […]

  • September 22
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A Trinitarian Approach to Finances

Tim Schuster writes about the financial trinity: A practical, emotional, and spiritual view of money in this article from Brightpeak Financial. Whether you are young, old, or somewhere in between, single, partnered, or parenting, your approach to finances is a matter of stewardship. (Photo: Chris Potter, Creative Commons)

  • September 16
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Why Don’t Churches Talk about Health?

If stewardship of our health is so important, why aren’t we talking about it in our congregations? Maybe it’s time to rethink this aspect of stewardship in faith formation, preaching, and even the beloved church potluck dinner. (Photo: bowler1996p, Creative Commons)

  • September 16
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Better Stewardship of Health Still Needed in U.S.

A recent study by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington found that Americans have made some progress in being better stewards of their health, but there is still much improvement needed. How can your faith community work for better health and stewardship of self? (Photo: Burger Austin, Creative […]

  • September 15
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How about a Stewardship Pastor?

There are pastors for administration, family and youth ministry, visitation, and outreach. Maybe it’s time to add stewardship pastors to the mix. Check out this article by William Vanderbloeme. You’ll even find a link to a job description. (Photo: Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Creative Commons)

  • September 13
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