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Stewardship Starter Kit

Look no further for inspiration for this fall’s campaign pledge cards, cover letter, follow-up, bulletin inserts, etc. The Evangelical Covenant Church’s Stewardship Starter Kit provides good examples that you can adapt for your congregation.

  • September 10
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A Time to Pray for Creation

The World Council of Churches and related ecumenical bodies have adopted a “Time for Creation” as an emphasis in the church year, from the beginning of the Eastern Orthodox liturgical year on 9/1 to the feast-day of Saint Francis observed by the Roman Catholic Church on 10/4.

10 Ways to Cast a Generosity Vision in your Church

Dr. Chuck Lawless  believes people need “a vision…a challenge…a purpose” in order to give generously, and he offers 10 ideas to jump-start the process. Are you ready? (Photo: Kate Ter Haar, Creative Commons)

How Awe Makes Us Generous

The writers of the Psalter understood a thing or two about awe. Now here’s scientific research showing how experiencing awe links us to others and makes us more generous. (Photo: Herman Pinera, Creative Commons)

Stewardship Prayers

You’ll find wonderful, thoughtful prayers for any kind of stewardship occasion, thanks to the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane in Australia. (Photo © JcJg Photography –

Sharing Food and Stewardship

Check out Dr. Greg Carey’s reflection on feeding the hungry. There’s a strong stewardship component here–and feeding others is something we can do. How is your congregation working to eradicate hunger? (Photo: Rob Blezard)

Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome? Yep, It’s a Thing

Thousands of young adults have dropped out of church because of what author Reba Reiley calls “Post-Traumatic Church Syndrome.” PTCS comes because Millennials experience the church as clashing with their worldview and values, she tells Religion News Service in an interview.  (Photo by Ken Teegardin, used by Creative Commons license)

Making Disciples Through the Ministry of Church Finance

Struggling with what to do about stewardship and how to do it? Here is a free 34-page booklet from the United Methodist Church that will get you on your way! It covers the nuts and bolts of establishing a congregational stewardship team and making plans.

Stewardship in the Church

Far too often, stewardship has been relegated to a Sunday school class, a special offering, or an annual church emphasis. Churches would benefit by considering stewardship a departmental ministry, appropriately staffed and budgeted to serve the local church, says this article from Enrichment Journal. (Photo © Alfredo Müller –

Wesley’s Good Money Questions

John Wesley understood that he was accountable to God for the way he used each and every penny he had to spend. He devised four questions to guide him, and they merit our consideration as well, says a writer in  (Photo © shotsstudio –