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Grow in E-Giving
Nowadays you’re more likely to see somebody bring a Bible to church on a cell phone or tablet than a Bible printed on paper. And yet the paper check is still the primary currency in many churches. Ministry Matters offers some ideas for updating to e-giving. (Photo by Jhaymesisviphotography, used by Creative Commons license)

How to be Happy: Cultivating Contentment
Do you know how to be happy? Or are you waiting for happiness to find you? Despite what the fairy tales depict, happiness doesn’t appear by magic. It’s not even something that happens to you. It’s something you can cultivate, says this article from the Mayo Clinic. (Photo © Maksim Bukovski –

Vacation? Turn Off Tech. Turn On Life.
Did you check your work email while on vacation? Chances are you did. This article examines our addiction to technology and the need for a break. Read Lloyd Alter’s article and then consider how you might enjoy a digital Sabbath. (Photo: Mike Prosser, Creative Commons)

Why Your Church Needs Mobile Giving
Here in three easy to understand charts is proof that your congregation needs (or at least should consider) mobile giving. The times they are a’changing. (Photo: )

Looking for a Summer Movie?
If you’re looking for a summer movie to compliment a study of environmental stewardship and climate change, check out the documentary Merchants of Doubt. Interfaith Power and Light has produced a faith-based study guide for the film. Click here for information about the film. (Photo: Ginny, Creative Commons)

Is Busyness is Killing Us?
Being “crazy busy” all the time runs counter to God’s command for Sabbath rest and renewal, and a frequent lament is  that busyness is ruining the quality of life. Here’s an article that addresses the need to question a “crazy busy” lifestyle. While faith is not addressed, we think you’ll make the connections. How might […]

Cultivating Gratefulness
Good stewards are by nature grateful people who recognize the abundance all around them. Want to cultivate more gratefulness in your own life or in the life of your congregation? Explore these four practical strategies for becoming more grateful. You won’t be disappointed. (Photo: Shannon Kringen, Creative Commons License)

17 Practical Ways to Embrace Stewardship
Have you read Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si? If so, great! Consider these 17 practical ideas for better stewardship. If not, put Lauato Si at the top of your reading list and get a head start with these tips from writer Constance T. Hull. (Photo: IFPL, Creative Commons License)

Renewal and Green Ministry
For this congregation, revitalization and embracing the GreenFaith Initiative go hand in hand. The story of United By Faith, Evergreen Park, Ill., shows how even a smaller congregation can take on the challenging work of going green. From Lutherans Restoring Creation. ((Photo by Michael Coghlan, used by Creative Commons license)

The Nature / Mood Connection
The gift of God’s good creation offers much more than beauty. New research points to a connection between walking in natural settings and improved moods. Our Creator provided for all of our needs. Sabbath rest in the natural world is a win/win proposition–and good stewardship of self, too! (Photo used by Creative Commons License. Thanks!)