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How are the Children?

Most church folk are quick to cite the importance of serving children and families because children are “the future of the church.” But what about right now? How are our children doing? How are we caring for the “least of these”? Check out this article from Christian Science Monitor about the recently released Kids Count […]

10 Reasons to Offer Online Giving

Churches are jumping on the online giving trend in record numbers. Most find it a safe and efficient way to help their members with consistent stewardship. Here are 10 reasons your church might want to consider online giving. From (Photo by Jhaymesisviphotography, used by Creative Commons license)

Hold a Blessing of the Bicycles

Bicycles are amazing! They benefit the environment by using no fossil fuels, and they benefit the rider through exercise that burns promotes fitness. Why not honor the bicycle riders in your congregation and promote this mode of transportation by blessing the bikes. This service will help.

Four Great Gratitude Strategies

Want to cultivate gratitude in your life or in the lives of others? Consider these four gratitude strategies suggested by Dr. Juliana Breines, a post-doctoral fellow at Brandeis University. (Photo: Cafe Gratitude, Creative Commons)

What’s the Cost of Radical Generosity?

According to writer/editor Tim Challies, there is indeed a substantial cost when it comes to radical generosity, but it’s definitely worth it. (Photo: Stewardship-Transforming Generosity, Creative Commons)

Launch an Online Giving Program Now

If you don’t have an online giving strategy for your congregation, it’s time to start. Read this short article and learn how to launch one now! (Photo: Creative Commons)

A Model Church Financial Policy

Lots of churches muddle along without policies to govern their financial matters, opening themselves up to problems down the road. Is yours one of them? If it is — or if your church’s policy simply needs updating — then Lifeway has a model policy that can get you going.

Planning and Recruiting for Stewardship

Summer is the perfect time to recruit volunteers. Fewer committee meetings mean more time for the one-on-one visits so important to matching the right person to the job. Here is a recorded webinar and accompanying slides to help you put your team in place, from the Episcopal Church Foundation.

Done with Sit Down, Shut Up

People are leaving their churches because they feel excluded from participating in the communication of the message. They have heard countless sermons, but they grew weary, very weary, of sitting in pews, feeling muzzled, while the person on stage monopolizes every word, says Thom Schultz of Holy Soup. (Photo by stephen_jamesP, used by Creative Commons license)

Church Giving is Tied to Gratitude, Sense of Mission

Worshipers want to feel their contributions are making a difference. The tithe may no longer be the norm outside conservative Protestant churches, but members who feel connected to their church and confident it is contributing to God’s work still give financially. From the Lilly Endowment’s Insights into Religion. (Photo by Lululemon athletica, used by Creative […]