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Congregations Take Action on Climate Change

Across the country congregations of many stripes are working on the issue of climate change by modeling environmentally friendly practices, educating folks or advocating political solutions. Good reading from Tikkun. (Photo © Dmitry Rukhlenko –

Everyday Stewardship Practices

Stewardship is a means of showing gratitude for all that we have in our lives. Each of us has something that we can be grateful for. As a way of life stewardship calls all of us to action. Here is a handy guide from the Catholic Archdiocese of Brisbane, Australia. (Photo © JcJg Photography – […]

Stewardship: A Pastor’s Responsibility

Since giving is a spiritual issue and the pastor is the congregation’s chief spiritual leader, it is easy to say that stewardship is a pastor’s responsibility. But what exactly does that mean? Here are some key thoughts about the pastor’s role in stewardship. From (Photo © Scott Griessel –

Stewardship Ideas for Small Churches

Stewardship is more than financial giving. It is a sense of thanksgiving for all that God has given us, including care giving for the world around us! Here are eight ideas — try one  in your church soon. From (Photo © TRITOOTH –

Earth Stewardship Leads to Solar Project

Folks at a Lutheran congregation in Washington State were so inspired by Frances Moore Lappé’s book, “Ecomind,” that they took a step in addressing climate change. Partnering with local educators, they installed solar panels on a middle school. What can your congregation do? (Photo by Ellen Lamiman)

Four Poor Responses to Church Money Problems

OK, so money is tight in the congregation. Tensions are high and anxiety is climbing steadily. How you respond can definitely impact the overall health and wellbeing of your church and God’s people. Here are four common traps to avoid, from

Electronic Giving Increases Offerings

Fewer people today are using cash and checks for their financial transactions. As a result, churches have an opportunity to expand their giving opportunities. Here are seven good reasons why your church should offer online giving options. From United Methodist Communications. (Photo by Kodomut, used by Creative Commons license)

Stewardship Begins with God’s Abundance

Those of us in the Church too often see the words ‘stewardship’, ‘development’ and ‘fundraising’ as synonyms. By doing so, we do a disservice to ourselves and to the important work of all three. J.R. Lander of The Episcopal Network for Stewardship explains. ((Photo by AlicePopkorn, Creative Commons License)

What If Climate Change is Real?

Climate scientist (and Christian) Dr. Katharine Hayhoe’s TEDx talk provides a good conversation starter about climate change and stewardship of creation. Hayhoe provides excellent illustrations, clear explanations, and a smattering of humor to this presentation about a critical subject.

Understanding Motivational Reasons for Giving

One of the primary reasons pastors and church leaders either fail to emphasize stewardship, or emphasize it inappropriately is: They do not understand the different motivational reasons for giving. Here are five of them, says a writer in EnrichmentJournal.