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Best Practices for Year-Round Stewardship
It takes effort to make stewardship a part of your church culture 365 days a year, but here are some wonderful simple tips from the United Church of Canada. (Photo by Philip Chapman-Bell, used by Creative Commons license)

A Lenten Stewardship Devotion
The forty days of Lent provide stewards with a marvelous opportunity to evaluate the nature of our life’s “work.†Being reminded to take a meaningful and substantive spiritual “pause†in our lives for forty days is a gift in itself. Good reading from the International Catholic Stewardship Council. (Photo by mwms1916, used by Creative Commons […]

Estate Planning: A Key to Faithful Stewardship
An estate plan is a significant resource for a faithful Christian steward to bring their finances in line with faith values, but many churches fall short in educating their members to be even better stewards of God’s gifts. Here are some tips. From the United Methodist Church. (Photo © Robert Kneschke –

Show Generosity to the Poor
As God convicted my heart and I began to read Scripture with fresh eyes, whole sections of the Bible came alive for me. In particular, God’s concern for orphans struck a chord, says Chip Ingram in a blog post on (Photo by Alan Light, used by Creative Commons license)

Budgeting 101
If you want to begin to budget but don’t know where to begin, this PowerPoint presentation is for you! Posted on Vanderbilt Divinity School’s website, it guides you though the steps you need to rein in your household finances! (Photo by Ken Teegardin, used by Creative Commons license)

Scholastic Year vs. Calendar Year Stewardship
Check out this article from Luther Seminary’s Center for Stewardship Leaders weekly newsletter! Pastor Paul Ziese talks about how his congregation made the switch and experienced strong results. (Photo: William Warby, Creative Commons)

Hey Men! Why Give Money to the Church?
In our culture many men are obsessed with money. Can making money be bad? Only if a man allows it to control his life. Normally when you make it to give it, you control it, not the other way around. Here is some advice for men in dealing with money, from Charisma magazine. (Photo © […]

Climate Change: Finding Common Ground
“When you dig to the bottom of it,†climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe says, “the problem many people have with climate change is not with the science. The problem is that people believe climate change is not consistent with their ideological values, political values, or faith values.†Read more of Hayhoe’s perspectives in this article. (Photo: […]

How Giving Turned This Church Around
Jon Weese was challenged to turn a struggling church around and he did so by challenging people to look outside the doors rather than inward toward themselves. He practiced radical giving of self, time, and resources and expected the congregation to do the same. Read this article published in Relevant Magazine to learn more. (Photo: […]

From Stewardship to Generosity
Robert Schanse, author of Five Practices of Fruitful Congregations, explains why its important to move your church culture towards generosity, and he offers a list of “dos” and “don’ts” that will guide your path. From Ministry Matters. (Photo © laurent hamels –