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Join the Energy Stewards Initiative

ELCA congregations and outdoor ministry sites are invited to participate in the Energy Stewards Initiative, a one- to two-year program to help lower their energy usage, which not only is good for the planet but it also frees up money for mission. Deadline is May 15. Check out the details at Lutherans Restoring Creation. (Photo […]

New Questions for a New Day

It’s time to start asking new questions. Better answers to the same old questions about the church will not get us through the tumultuous times in which we live. This is a time for out-of-the box thinking. Old questions keep is in the box. New questions invite us to move outside, writes Jeffrey D. Jones […]

Six-Steps to Stronger Stewardship in the Small Church

Leaders of small churches know how hard stewardship can be in their contexts. Here are six simple steps that, implemented consistently and faithfully, can help develop a generosity culture in your congregation. From the Hinton Center, a Methodist retreat.

Are You Comfortable Talking About Money?

Pastors and church members hear about financial news all the time. Money is a frequent topic of discourse in the daily news. So why do we sometimes hesitate to talk frankly about money in church? Ken Sloane of the United Methodist Church explores. (Photo © BortN66 –

Developing a Thank You System

Saying thank you promptly and regularly is one of the simplest and most effective things a congregation can do to reinforce good stewardship and enhance giving. This article from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership helps show you how. (Photo by Orin Zebest, used by Creative Commons license)

‘Losing Weight Has Made Me A Better Pastor’

For Brandon Hilgemann, dieting and exercising not only helped him shed 40 pounds and improve his physical health, it also worked wonders on his ministry. In this essay from he explains how. (Photo © Saje –

Video: What Does It Mean to be A Christian Steward?

Here’s a brief video that will make you laugh, but also make you think! It includes interviews with folks from the Episcopal Church. How would YOU answer their questions? (Photo by Bev8200, used by Creative Commons license)

Church Giving in a Digital World

Be sure to read this article by Matt Morris. Online giving goes hand-in-hand with your worshiping community’s digital presence–something many folks feel is no longer an option. (Photo: © momius –

Gratitude and Generosity Conversation Starter

Even the best of us can get tongue-tied when it comes to engaging others in a discussion about money. So the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada has crafted this handy discussion guide to help us along. Includes talking points, prayers and scripture.  (Photo © mangostock –

‘Why I Won’t Give to Your Church’

In this illuminating essay, a Millennial explains why his generation is put off by traditional congregational approaches to faith, religion and community — and what might work to involve them in church life. From Leadership Journal. (Photo by sboneham, used by Creative Commons license)