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Francis Calls for Protecting Creation

“A Christian who does not protect Creation, who does not let it grow, is a Christian who does not care about the work of God,” Pope Francis declared in a homily. Human sinfulness has led to environmental degradation, and he called for Christians to care. (Photo by Semilla Luz, used by Creative Commons license)

A Call to Stewardship

As a young man Howard Dayton wanted only to become rich, but the Christian faith radically transformed his attitudes and today he teaches others on generosity and stewardship. Dayton believes stewardship isn’t just how you handle the tithe, but how you handle the other 90% of your income. From Dave Ramsey’s website. (Photo by ThrasherDave, […]

Three Ways to Save for a Rainy Day

On average, Americans save about 4.5 percent, a number which has steadily declined over the decades as we’ve become more reliant upon credit for our emergency needs. But with some planning and discipline you can do better. From LifeWay resources.  (Photo © rangizzz –

Clergy at Risk for Depression, Anxiety

Clergy are often relied upon to guide others through difficult times, but a new study has found that the very nature of their work could put them at greater risk of developing depression and anxiety themselves. From the Huffington Post. (Photo by Bottled Void, used by Creative Commons License)

Church Turnaround Ideas

What kinds of things give the American church hope for the future? In spite of declining trends, participants at the recent Future of the Church summit identified some clear strengths and opportunities for the church in North America. From Thom Schultz of (Photo by Navdeep Raj, used by Creative Commons license.)  

Four Myths about Online Giving

Has your congregation embraced online giving as part of your overall stewardship plan? If not, here’s an article that may help you counter four popular myths. (Photo: Scott McLeod, Creative Commons)

Church Gives $500 to Every Member

When Chicago’s struggling Lasalle Street Church received an unexpected windfall, it did the unexpected — giving every member $500 and asking them to use it for good. “It feels like a faith experiment more than a social experiment,” Pastor Laura Truax said. (Photo by Steven DePolo, used by Creative Commons license)

52 Proven Stress Reducers

Let’s face it: We live in a very stressful era, when we are dealing with all sorts of problems, both personally and globally. Meantime, there never seems to be enough time and energy to get everything done. To help, here are “52 Proven Stress Reducers” from the United Methodist Stewardship Foundation. (Photo (c) Laszlolorik, Fotolia)

Three Layers of Environmental Preaching

Pastors who may be reluctant to preach on environmental issues can take inspiration from this informative essay, which broadens the conventional notion that environmental preaching always means addressing controversial political issues. Good reading for pastors who want to lead their congregations in new directions, from Eco-Justice Ministries. (Photo © Nelos –  

Photo by Chris Yarzab, used by Creative Commons license

Preaching on Money

Walking into the pulpit to ask our congregation to give while assuming that people do not want to give is a bit like a young man beginning his proposal of marriage with the words “I know you’ll say no, but….”  Here are some tips that can help you to ask boldly, from MinistryMatters. (Photo by […]