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5 Questions to Guide Your Financial Resolutions

Are you thinking of making some financial resolutions for 2015? Start with these “financial health” questions, since a recent study showed them to have a high correlation with net worth. If you don’t like your current answers, here are some ways to improve your answers for this same time next year, from (Photo by  […]

New Year’s Resolutions for the Christian Steward

Although there is nothing in the Bible or notable in Christian tradition about New Year’s resolutions, many good stewards take advantage of this time of year to become closer to the Lord. They may re-commit themselves to pray more, to read the Bible, or to attend church more regularly. If you are looking for some […]

Resolve to be Green in 2015

Creation care doesn’t have to be difficult. Here are five simple ways you can do a better job of caring for the earth. A little bit of effort goes a long way! (Photo Steve Snodgrass, Creative Commons)

Join the Hymn of All Creation

Join the hymn, yes, but also minister to God’s creation as priests, reminds Tom Mundahl in his Lectionary reflection for Dec. 28 on “The coming of God in Christ at Christmas changes everything.” (Photo by The Bees, used by Creative Commons license)

Bishop Eaton’s Christmas Message

In her message, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton writes, “Christmas can carry so much emotional freight. We must be merry and filled  with good cheer. We are driven to get everything perfect by the stroke of midnight on Christmas Eve. We are filled with wistful longing. But what are we longing for?” Click to find […]

How Churches Can Attract Younger People

It causes church people much anxiety and soul searching that Christmas brings people to church who don’t attend the rest of the year, including the desperately needed younger generation. Though churches are eager to attract a new generation, they often go about it the wrong way, says this USA Today commentator, who has suggestions for […]

Stewardship Lessons for Christmas

The Nativity story offers many opportunities to preach on or discuss themes of stewardship. Check them out, from the Archdiocese of St. Louis. (Photo by brockvicky, used by Creative Commons license)

Photo by Kris Krug, used by Creative Commons license

Tips for Healthy Holiday Eating

We’ve all done it — we weigh ourselves in late December and discover we’ve gained more weight than we wanted. Through parties and special holiday meals, overeating is a temptation. On this page from WebMD you’ll find links to a number of articles on how to eat more healthfully this Christmas. (Photo by Kris Krug, […]

10 ‘New’ Traditions for a Holy Christmas

Our culture gives us a lot of holiday traditions around Christmas, but many of them do not bring us closer to God or the miracle of the incarnation. This writer, a pastor, suggests adopting “new traditions” that will help you and your family have a holy holiday. From Pastors. com. (Photo by Picsbyclive, used by […]

‘Tis the Season…for Technology

The Barna Group offers this report about how technology is affecting celebrations of Christmas and other holidays of this season. Technology’s  use, and its abuse, has a profound affect on our lives, so be sure to take time to read this short offering. (Photo: Luke Wroblewski, Creative Commons)