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Whole Life Stewardship Preaching Series

When the economic downturn came, one pastor decided to confront the stewardship issue head-on with a preaching series aimed at helping his members see their lives from the standpoint of God’s abundance — not the world’s. In Preaching Today the pastor shares how he crafted his series and why. (Photo by Ben Husmann, used by […]

Leaders Believe Things Can Happen

One of the most important contributions a leader can make is to believe that things can happen. When we do not, they will not. It is that simple. This article from the Lewis Center for Church Leadership, explores how confident leadership can bring a project from plans to prosperity. (Photo by Jennifer (SweetOnVeg), used by […]

A Faith-Based Guide on Poverty & Hunger

Hand it to Catholic Rural Life for putting together a comprehensive study guide that explores gripping issues of economic justice from a solidly biblical point of view. The information will challenge your mind, tug at your heart and grow your faith. Great reading. (Check out the website for other good resources!) (Photo by Alex Eflon, […]

10 Steps to Financial Freedom

For too many of God’s people, financial stress comes because they’ve fallen into the bad money habits that our culture encourages. Here’s a practical Top-10 List of things you can do right now to get started on the path to financial freedom. From HomeLife, by way of Lifeway. (Photo © Nelos –

Moneyball for religion? Your Church Should Rethink Its Numbers

The book-turned-movie “Moneyball” chronicles how the Oakland A’s discovered a revolutionary way of thinking about baseball. Can there be a moneyball for religion? Congregations are often judged by their size, but what does this hide about the way we do religion? Is there a hidden way of doing things that should be measured, asks Tobin […]

Ten Tips to Improve Your Church Budget

If the words “church budget” make you feel queasy, you’re not alone. Shrinking budgets seem to be the status quo for most churches. Although there is no easy solution to dire financial concerns, here are ten budget tips from ShareFaith Magazine. (Photo (c) Monkey Business, via Fotolia)

Philanthropy and Church Funding

In a time of great needs and limited resources, congregations are increasingly looking to outside fundingsources. A former Duke Endowment officer tells how churches can connect with the world of philanthropy. (Photo © rangizzz –

Terminology 101

Here’s a wonderful essay that defines four oft-used words in the world of congregational stewardship: “stewardship,” “tithing,” “giving,” and “annual pledge.” Reprinted from Episcopal Cafe by ECF Vital Practices, you will find the Rev. Lisa G. Fischbeck’s thoughts worth pondering and sharing. (Photo: 401K (2013), Creative Commons)

New Report Explores Decline in Church Giving

“The State of Church Giving through 2012: What are Christian Seminaries and Intellectuals Thinking — or Are They?” issued by Empty Tomb, an Illinois-based nonprofit that tracks church giving, suggests a different kind of pastor is needed to address giving in an age of affluence. Despite increased stewardship education in seminaries, the situation is complex and requires […]

Cultivate Contentment

Without deliberately cultivating contentment, it’s tough to successfully steward and appreciate God’s abundance all around us. Check out this article from Relevant Magazine that offers five simple practices leading to greater contentment. (Photo: Rachel Sarai, Creative Commons)