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Why Every Leader Needs a Coach
All the best athletes have a coach. Why? Because good coaches point out subtle flaws others don’t see. They suggest small measures that add up to big improvements, and they push athletes to work at their highest performance. Pastors and other church leaders need coaches, too, says this article from (Photo: (c) 2005 OJ […]

Weekly Stewardship Bible Devotion
Keep your mind and heart focused on stewardship with this weekly Stewardship Bible Devotion from Using the exampe of Paul in Acts 26:1-23, this week’s lesson explores the role of storytelling in faith formation and education. (Photo: Alvanman, Creative Commons)

Stewardship of Creation: Blessing Pets
Here’s a compendium of good resources for pet blessings from our friends at ECF Vital Practices. We are called to be stewards of creation, and pet blessings can help set the tone for those who enjoy the companionship of all God’s creatures. (Photo: Tony Lanciabeta, Creative Commons)

Healthy Talk about Stewardship
It’s not hard to understand why talk about money and giving might make a congregation uncomfortable, and maybe even guilty and resentful. So how do we move to healthy ways of talking and preaching about money in our churches? This post from The Episcopal Network for Stewardship has some great ideas. (Photo: Fallonyates, Creative Commons)

17 Stats for Consumption
Here’s a handy article from Joshua Becker referencing 17 staggering statistics about American consumer habits. You’ll find these stats fascinating, sad, and great fodder for preaching and teaaching about stewardship. (Photo: Rob Holland, Creative Commons)

Develop a Narrative Budget
Give people a line-item budget and either their eyes will glaze over or they’ll become obsessed with the bottom line. Many congregations are finding that they can better talk about their financial priorities with a narrative budget. The Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island has some good ideas. (Photo © trotzolga – […]

When Vision & Discipleship Meet Budget
Everything is a choice, and leaders choose the financial culture they create. Every conversation can be both a vision and discipleship conversation, including planning the annual budget. Invite congregants to invest in a vision rather than simply approve a budget. (Photo: © Artur Gabrysiak –

Deadline is Sept. 15 for SOLI Grants!
Time’s almost up for applications for the latest funding round in the Stewardship of Life Institute’s grant program. The deadline is Sept. 15! Got a creative idea for stewardship education? SOLI is offering grants to help fund projects to advance stewardship in the ELCA. See details inside! (Photo:Stephen Depolo, Creative Commons )

Harvest Liturgy From Green Christian
Here’s a harvest liturgy resource from Green Christian that also includes ideas for incorporating the abundance of the harvest and care of creation into autumn parish life. Be sure to check out the other worship and prayer resources on this excellent website. (Photo: eden pictures, Creative Commons)

Bible Stewardship Principles
When it comes to stewardship, why do we do what we do? Where do we get the guidance and authority from God? Well, the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod has got some excellent answers to those questions, all contained in their handy document “Bible Stewardship Principles.” It is available in a variety of forms for […]