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Climate Change Resources for Children and Youth
With school and faith formation on the horizon, here’s a resource trove for educating children and youth about climate change and creation care from Operation NOAH, an ecumenical Christian charity in the UK. You’re sure to find something useful here! (Photo:Â rambojan iphoneography, Creative Commons)

Avoiding the Summer Giving Slump
True, summer is almost over, but now’s the time to begin working on avoiding a giving slump next summer. This short article from will give you some ideas. (Photo: stuart, Creative Commons)

The Freedom in Saying “No”
Next time you’re tempted to make a purchase, consider the freedom you night gain by saying “no” instead of “yes” to consumption. Joshua Becker explains how part of good stewardship lies in learning to assess the difference in these two simple words. Â (Photo: sboneham, Creative Commons)

7 Ways Climate Change Affects Our Health
Scientist and evangelical Christian Katharine Hayhoe explains seven ways that climate change is affecting our health in this article printed in The Huffington Post and why we need to make changes now. (Photo:Â rambojan iphoneography, Creative Commons)

Form a Gift-Acceptance Policy
You never know when your congregation may receive a gift that raises moral, legal or ethical questions, but you can be better prepared if you think through the issues a bit and form a policy. This sample gift-acceptance policy from the United Methodist Church can guide you. (Photo: Asenat29, Creative Commons)

11 Ways to Simplify your Finances
Good financial stewardship doesn’t have to be complicated. Check out these 11 ways to simplify your finances from author Bob Lotich of SeedTime. (Photo: Steven DePolo, Creative Commons)

Money Talk
Do you hear people complain that the church talks about money too much? It’s just not true. In fact, the church does not talk about money enough — not nearly as much as Jesus did, says this Episcopal blogger. (Photo:Â Andrew Magill, Creative Commons)

How to Form Habits
Whether you want to form better stewardship or leadership habits, here’s a quick read outlining 11 science-backed ways to form habits. After all, habits form almost 50% of our daily behaviors. Might as well make them good ones! (Photo:Â adriarichards, Creative Commons)

Book Review: Making Grateful Kids
In Making Grateful Kids: The Science of Building Character, Jeffrey J. Froh and Giacomo Bono present a vision of nurturing gratitude that extends from families to society to the world. The challenge us to imaging raising a “Generation G” (G is for Grateful!), says this review, from Rosanna Anderson of the United Methodist Church. (Photo: Barney Moss, Creative Commons)