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Pastors and Finance Committees Need Each Other
Pastors need another meeting to attend like a street needs another pothole, but they dare not overlook the finance committee. It’s where some of the key ministry takes place, as one pastor describes in this essay, posted on the website of the Center for Stewardship Leaders at Luther Seminary. (Photo by ThinkPanama, Creative Commons)

Best Stewardship Practices
Here’s a concise, no-nonsense, easy-to-understand presentation of what works best when it comes to stewardship in the congregation. It’s a great thumbnail guide for your finance or stewardship team. Excellent stuff, from the Episcopal Diocese of Olympia, Washington.

The Bible, Stewardship and Money
What does the Bible say about possessions and money? Obviously, a lot. This article (and the accompanying podcast) provide some key basic understandings that can ground your congregation in stewardship. Article by stewardship experts Chick Lane and Grace Duddy Pomroy, posted on Luther Seminary’s website. (Photo © Alfredo Müller –

Characteristics of Healthy Congregations
Sure, it all depends on whom you ask — what are the characteristics of a healthy congregaion, but this resource compiles lists from a variety of sources, including the Barna Group, Willow Creek and others. Which ones apply to your congregation, and which can you establish as goals? From the Anglican Diocese of Nova Scotia […]

Are You Beating the Competition?
The number of nonprofit organizations in North America has mushroomed, and that means there are a lot more people asking YOUR church members for donations. In this blog, Phyllis Freedman gives sound advice how you can be sure your congregation stays ahead of the game. (Photo: U.S. Army)

Sample a GREAT Narrative Budget
A line-item budget puts people to sleep, but a narrative budget energizes people for mission and encourages them to give. Check out this excellent narrative budget brochure from Hixon (Tennessee) United Methodist Church. What can your church do better? (Photo: Sarah Reid, Creative Commons)

Efficiency Sends Stewardship Message
Whether it’s caulking drafty windows, replacing the old furnace, getting rid of the incandescent lighting, or installing low-flush toilets, your congregation sends an important message when it takes steps to be more environmentally friendly, says this article from Insights Into Religion. What can your church do? (Photo by Sun Dazed, used by Creative Commons license.)

In Giving, Lead by Example
Hey pastor, does the congregation know what you give? It ought to, and you should be leading by example, according to author and stewardship consultant J. Clif Christopher. “When a pastor and staff are not tithing and being generous in every possible way, it is seldom that I will see a congregation that does.” (Photo: […]

Bridging the Generation Giving Gap
You can engage both young and senior givers in your congregation. Check out these ideas on how to nurture a both-and climate for generosity in your context. (Photo: © Chariclo –

Try-a-Tithe Sunday
If you’re introducing the concept of tithing to your congregation, invite them to take the plunge just for a week — or for one week a month. This handy guide will explain not only how to plan a “Try-a-Tithe Sunday,” but the biblical foundation of tithing. From ELCA Stewardship Resources. (Photo © thitimontoyai22 –