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Book Review: Bounty: Ten Ways to Increase Giving at your Church
Kristine Miller and Scott McKenzie describe stewardship as “grounded in gratitude, revealed in prayer, lived in faith†(page 3). Generosity flows from the heart because stewardship is really a spiritual matter. Leaders who speak openly about their joy in giving inspire others to greater trust and deeper discipleship, says this review from United Methodist Communications. […]

6 Ways to Save on AC
It costs a fortune to air condition a church in the summer, but there are things your property team can do to help minimize the expense, says this article from WorshipFacilities Network. Which would work for your congregation? (Photo: Purplejavatroll, Creative Commons)

Steward Your “Self” this Summer
Too often vacations are a source of stress when they should be good stewardship of our bodies and spirits. Dr. Christine Carter offers three simple steps to taking a real vacation that will renew and refresh. (Photo: 19melissa68, Creative Commons)

Tools for Engagement
Looking for ways to better engage your congregation on Sunday morning? Check out these six simple suggestions, and choose even one to get started. (Photo: Brayden McLean, Creative Commons)

Bible Study on Fossil-Fuel Divestment
With the effects of climate growing more severe all the time, some churches are ridding their investment portofolios of fossil fuel stocks. This study guide looks at two Gospel parables and what they may say about divestment. From the Pacific Northwest Conference of the United Methodist Church. (Photo: Trocaire, Creative Commons)

Dedicating Gifts
It takes only about a minute every Sunday, and it helps the congregation understand why their offerings matter. It’s the Dedication of Gifts, and this blog post from Horizons Stewardship says it makes a big difference changing the attitudes and habits of members.

Why Online Giving is a Must for Your Church
Though fewer and fewer people carry cash or checks these days, most church collections still rely on passing the plate every Sunday or asking people to mail checks to the congregation. That’s why online and electronic giving options are a necessity for congregations, says this article from Worship Facilities. (Photo: Jhaymesisviphotography, Creative Commons)

Tithing Flows from Prayer
Ten years ago First United Methodist church in Enderlin, North Dakota, began a process of spiritual renewal that began with prayer but also included a challenge for members to participate in an experiment involving tithing. The result was a renewed spirit and better finances. From the UMC Communications. (Photo © thitimontoyai22 –