Browsing Money
The Stubborn 2% Giving Rate
Is American giving on cruise control? While overall giving has mushroomed since the 1970s, it has been driven primarily by growing incomes, not by donors deciding to give a larger share of income. As a share of GDP, charitable giving has rarely strayed far from 2 percent over the past four decades—despite the huge growth in the number of charities and fundraisers and periodic crusades to encourage greater giving. (Photo by margonaut, used by Creative Commons license)
The Cost of Being a Christian
Christians love to blame social justice issues on large corporations, rich banks, corrupt governments, and our culture’s greedy obsession with money. But Westernized Christianity has quietly created an aristocratic population of its own, a “gated community†that only the most privileged and wealthy can afford to experience. (Photo (c) Dion Hinchcliffe, used by Creative Commons […]
Developing a Planned Giving Program
Click here to explore “Elements of a Successful Planned Giving Program” on the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations website. This guide covers the basics and provides solid resources to begin a conversation in your context about gift planning. (Photo: David Morris, Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Creating a Final File
Do you have an “In Case of Death” file? If not, check out this short article about how to create one. Putting your affairs in order is part of good stewardship. (Photo: © Maxim_Kazmin –
Thinking Theologically about Faith & Wealth
Here’s a study guide authored by Carol Johnston inviting participants to consider the theological meaning of wealth by examining literature on Christian practices of giving and stewardship as well as scriptural and cultural understandings of riches. A downloadable PDF document is available. (Photo by pfarrell95. Thanks!)
Lessons from ‘Financial Fasting’
Fasting is a time-honored spiritual discipline that helps people gain clarity of mind and spirit. Going without food for a certain period of time raises awareness and strengthens the will. When I went on a “financial fast” I was amazed what I learned about my spending! (Photo © Borys Shevchuk, via Fotolia)
Resources for Talking about Money
The Rocket Company offers several free stewardship and preaching resources for pastors including webinars and downloadable documents. Click here to access them. Click here to access their free e-book 39 Things Pastors Need to Know about Money. Photo by Robert Huffstutter. Thanks!
Looking for New Stewardship Resources?
Check out the educational offerings from Everence, a ministy of the Mennonite Church USA. You’ll find free downloadable curricula for adults, church leaders, youth, and even a Spanish language resource. There’s also a list of recommended books, calculators, and personal finance information, too. (Photo by opensourceway used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)