Browsing Simple Living & Sufficiency

Make Useful Gifts for Giving!
Tired of giving and getting yet another tie, fruitcake, or dust-catching gift? Try making some of these easy and useful gifts! There’s something for all ages and ability levels. (Photo: Muffett, Creative Commons)

For the Love of Money
Read this compelling New York Times op-ed by Sam Polk about how he learned that loving money isn’t the answer. Polk left Wall Street and founded a non-profit organization called Groceryships that helps hungry families buy healthy food and learn how to change their eating habits in the process. (Photo: Andrew Magill, Creative Commons)

Giving to Combat Materialism
Check out Randy Alcorn’s 11 guidelines for giving. They’ll help combat materialism and provide solid stewardship guidance for God’s abundance. (Photo: Alexandre Dulaunoy, Creative Commons)

Don’t Buy – Make Christmas Gifts!
Gift-giving doesn’t have to be expensive. Check out this article about hand-made, home-crafted gifts. You can be a good steward of resources AND give meaningful, useful gifts that won’t end up in someone’s sock drawer or garbage can. (Photo: Muffet, Creative Commons)

“What Would Jesus Buy?”
Here’s a documentary film produced by Morgan Spurlock and featuring performance activist Reverend Billy and the Church of Stop Shopping that’s perfect for exploring over-consumption at Christmas. Click here to access the full film on YouTube. (Photo: disrupsean, Creative Commons)

DIY Instead of BUY
The new d0-it-yourself movement is reminding us that we do have alternatives. In addition to being fun, thrifty, and personal, making things yourself is immensely rewarding. Check out this article from MNN with abundant links. You’ll find suggestions for gifts, bread, toys, cosmetics, household cleaners, and much more. (Photo: chatirygirl, Creative Commons)

Simplicity: A Better Normal?
Some may say simplicity is becoming the new normal–the way we must live to ensure a future for those who will come after us and for our entire planet. Another way to look at simplicity is as a “better” normal, as a way to sustain health, well-being, and community. Click here to Read Duane Elgin’s […]

Enough is Enough
When is enough, well, enough? Rob Dietz and Dan O’Neill have some definite ideas and suggestions. Check out this essay adapted for the New Dream Blog from their book Enough is Enough. It squares well with scriptural guidance and would make a good basis for topical study. (Photo: jakerome, Creative Commons)