Browsing Year A

Stewarding the Mysteries

Second Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection, Year A, March 16, 2014
Yes, we are charged with stewarding the mysteries of faith in a world that seeks ready, quick, and easy answers. Impossible? Thanks to the faithful witness of those who have gone before us, we continue to share the good news and sacred mysteries that defy explanation–and that defy sin and death. Along with Nicodemus, we still sometimes wonder “How can these things be?” (Photo: Punktraum, Creative Commons)

The Examination

First Sunday in Lent Lectionary Reflection, March 9, 2014
Our Lord faced the tests and temptations of the evil one, and so do we. What can we learn from Jesus’ wilderness experience that will help us to be more faithful disciples? (Photo: out0fwave, Creative Commons)

Listen Up, Disciples!

Transfiguration Sunday, Year A, March 2, 2014
Listening is hard work. Just ask Peter! If, however, we can stop long enough to really listen to each other and to God, amazing things happen. Don’t believe me? Well then, listen up.
(Photo (c) Carlosphotos via

Stewards of One Another

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany Year A Lectionary Reflection
February 23, 2014
Jesus clearly cares about how we treat one another. The “Sermon on the Mount” is full of teachings about proper human relationships. He begins many by referring to traditional law, saying, “You have heard that it was said…” Following the letter and spirit of the law is tough enough, but Jesus ups the ante considerably by doing what he does so well—drawing the circle of inclusion ever wider. (Photo: abhi, Creative Commons)

Community Gardening

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany Lectionary Reflection, Year A
Christian, Christian, how does your garden grow? Who waters, who plants, and who gives the growth? Consider this week’s lessons as part of an “instruction manual” from the master gardener in how to be and grow as disciples. It’s not easy, but the rewards are myriad. (Photo: d-olwen-dee, Creative Commons)

Consider Your Own Call

Lectionary Reflection for the 4th Sunday after Epiphany, Year A
February 2, 2014
This week’s lectionary lessons invite us to ponder what it means to be disciples, called to love and serve God and others. Our calling is not one to which most of the world aspires, but it is exactly in pursuing what the world deems foolish that we find our meaning and our salvation. (Photo: Aaron Geller, Creative Commons)

Jesus in Pieces?

Lectionary Reflection for the Third Sunday after Epiphany, Year A
January 26, 2014
Leading and serving the people of God can be tough sledding; just ask Paul. This week’s gospel and epistle lessons offer important words for leaders AND for the people they lead. Blessings on the work you do and on the communities you serve! (Photo: Steve Snodgrass)

Look. Listen. Tell.

Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Epiphany Year A
January 19, 2014
The season of Epiphany and the lessons for this week offer us an opportunity to see the big picture, to hear the Word, and to understand how and why we are sent into the world to be God’s people in the name of Christ. Read on for ideas for preaching and teaching, worship, and time with children and youth. (Photo: Edith Soto, Creative Commons)

A Discipleship Elevator Speech?

Lectionary Reflection, The Baptism of Our Lord, Year A January 12, 2014 Then Peter began to speak to them: ‘I truly understand that God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him…’ Acts 10:34-35 Today the Church celebrates the Baptism of our Lord, […]

Light, Action, Incarnation

Second Sunday of Christmas Yr. A, January 5, 2014
What do the first chapter of John’s gospel and movie lights have in common? Read on to find out, and keep reading to discover ideas for how to use this week’s readings in worship and with youth and children. Blessings on your preaching and teaching in 2014! (Photo: shospace, Creative Commons)