Browsing Year A
American Idols
18th Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection – For great is the LORD, and greatly/ to be praised;/he is to be revered above/all gods./For all the gods of the peoples are/idols,/but the LORD made the heavens. Psalm 96:4-5 Give therefore to the emperor the things that are the emperor’s, and to God the things that are […]
‘Pity Party’ or ‘Plenty Party’
LECTIONARY REFLECTION – What will it be…a “pity party” or a “plenty party”? With God the answer is always the latter. No matter which lesson you choose this week, there is plenty of mercy, grace, and joy to share. (Photo by khrawlings used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Life, Death and Assorted Fruits and Nuts
Lectionary Reflection: 16th Sunday after Pentecost
Who belongs in the vineyard and who does not? What role will you play in this cast of characters? One thing’s for certain–this week’s gospel challenges our assumptions and asks us to look long and hard at how we embody the gospel.
What will it be—Yes or No?
Lectionary Reflection for Sept. 25, 2011
Do we say the right things but don’t do the right thing? If so, what will it take to experience a change in priorities and to recognize a new authority? What will you preach or teach this Sunday? (Photo by YourLocalDave used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
It’s not Fair! God’s Grace and Human Nature
Lectionary Reflection, 14th Sunday after Pentecost
God’s idea of fair and our idea of what’s fair can be quite different. I’d say that’s a very good thing! What do you think?
The Mathematics of Manumission = Freedom in Forgiveness
Who benefits from forgiveness—the one forgiven or the one who forgives? Considering this question leads to some important answers, strange mathematics, and hard work. Are you ready? (Photo by FeatheredTar used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Messy Moments in Ministry
Lectionary Reflection (12th Sunday after Pentecost, September 4, 2011)
Ministry is messy; there is no way to be intimately involved in the work of God without getting dirt under our fingernails and confronting the debris of broken lives and dreams. Do we dare to be real, or do we wear the masks of who we “think†we ought to be? Photo by Eli Duke used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!
The Biggest Losers
11th Sunday after Pentecost Lectionary Reflection
Do you have what it takes to be among the biggest losers? If you are a disciple of Christ, you have what it takes to lose in order to win. This Sunday’s gospel tells all about it. (Photo by D. Sharon Pruitt used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)
Preach it, People!
Every life a sermon? Something brings people through the doors of our churches, and it probably isn’t our preaching, no matter how stellar. More likely it is the witness of friend and neighbor, a life on fire for the gospel and filled with love. (Photo by Steve Snodgrass used under Creative Commons License. Thanks!)