Browsing Year C

Putting Words in Your Mouth
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany Lectionary Reflection, February 3, 2013
Not unlike Jeremiah, God has put words in the mouths of modern disciples. And like Jesus, speaking those words may not always be the popular thing to do. With love, however, all things are possible. Are you ready to open your mouth and speak? (Photo by Alisha Vargas)

A Feast of Word and Words
Lectionary Reflection, 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, January 27, 2013
This week’s lessons provide many opportunities to feast on the Word of God. One may also reflect on the power of words in our communal life, individual faith development, stewardship, and evangelism. (Photo by Rachel-Esther. Thanks!)

Spiritual Gifts and the Party that Never Ends
Lectionary Reflection for the Second Sunday after Epiphany January 20, 2013 How priceless is your love, O God! All peoples take refuge under the shadow of your wings. They feast upon the abundance of your house; you give them drink from the river of your delights. For with you is the well of life, and […]

Remember Your Baptism & Live It
Lectionary Reflection for The Baptism of our Lord, January 13, 2013
How will you remember your baptism on this day? How will you help other Christians remember and celebrate their baptism? What can we do to encourage one another to live our baptism each and every day? (Photo by auntjojo. Thanks!)

Where’s Jesus?
Lectionary Reflection for the Epiphany of our Lord, January 6, 2013
Where do you see Jesus in the world around you? One of our challenges is to help people learn to look for, to see, and to experience the divine presence in their daily lives and in everyday epiphanies (Photo by Friar’s Balsam. Thanks!)

Let All Creation Praise!
First Sunday of Christmas Lectionary Reflection December 30, 2012 Praise the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens; praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels; praise him, all his host! Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars! Praise him, you highest heavens, and you waters above the heavens! […]

Encountering Incarnation
Lectionary Reflection for the Fourth Sunday of Advent
December 23, 2012
In these dark days, we are invited to encounter the incarnation–not only in the birth of Jesus, but also in communion, in community, and in everyday experiences of the divine. (Photo by Violetta79. Thanks!)

Elemental Advent
Lectionary Reflection, 3rd Sunday of Advent, Year C
December 16, 2012
Celebrate this Sunday with water, Word, Meal, fire, and Spirit wind, all infused with flavors of joy and hope. (Photo by Gunjan Karun. Thanks!)

Christ the King Sunday, Year A, Nov.21, 2010
Lectionary Reflection
What kind of king are you preaching about this Sunday? Are you ready to let Jesus out of the comfortable box in which we like humans like to keep him? The texts this week give you every chance to do so.